How do I sync Google Calendar in Thunderbird?

Using Manjaro KDE,

Eventcalendar was underdeveloped as it was but now it non-existent after the update.

I need a nice light, runs in the background, is not bloated with kpim, kcalendar, korganizer, Akonadi kinda stuff & syncs with google cal

I did try looking for a calendar before a year ago or so but had no joy except when a fork of eventcalendar was created to work again with google login for syncing.

I did try gnome-calendar briefly but i could not get it to notify anything.

Any suggestions that will work with plasma6?

It still exists; just isn’t ready yet, apparently.

This is something you might not have thought of - using Thunderbird (the email client) which comes with calendar functionality (Lightning) built-in, and is already compatible with Google Calendar.

sudo pacman -S thunderbird

All it needs then is the Provider for Google Calendar extension to allow making the connection, plus your account details and some minor configuration. Here are some useful links:

Thunderbird does not rely on any particular DE.

Yea i have used TB for absolutely years.

However I could never get it to sync with google properly.

Im trying right now again,

Iv grabbed the iCal secret URL from google, pasted it into the lightning setting and it did pull in the calendar events but if i try to create an event i get a error message saying it cant sync to google and now iv got triangle symbols next to the calendar accounts on lightning saying “the calendar is momentarily not available” but it been that way for quite a while now. I did mark the accounts as not read only at both googles end and lightnings. Maybe i was supposed to use the public iCal URL

meh, it does it every time, iv removed the account from TB and recreated it, it pulls in the data. but still the same error if i try to create a new event

I don’t think you need to grab the iCal URL anymore. You should be able to sign into Google from Thunderbird & add your calendar that way. This article should guide you through it (hopefully):

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Yep, another problem down. Thank you.


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It works for me.
Maybe the Provider extension needs updating.
Ah, nevermind, :slight_smile:

If you don’t want to have Thunderbird always open, and if you use Firefox, there is a free add-on that displays your Google calendars in a pop-up when you click the icon. I’ve been using it for a few years. You can add & edit events via the pop-up, and also add events via the right-click menu from any web page (the web page’s URL will be included in the description):

Related: Birdtray is a decent choice (from the AUR) for email notifications:

pamac build birdtray

Do they work for Google calendar? I thought they were mail only.

Well, Birdtray doesn’t; it’s just a mail notifier thrown in for good measure.

CheckerPlus looks like it should work, but of course, not without Firefox being open; as far as I can tell.

There’s this to open a Caledar in a new (Thunderbird) tab:

And this, in case the link is needed for the Provider:

This might be worth considering:

Most extensions will need something to be open - whether it’s Firefox or Thunderbird.

Edit: Title changed to better suit the solution chosen.

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