How can I make global menu - menu items visible?

Hi, the menu-items in the global menu recently (not sure when) turned invisible. Actually they’re there however the foreground & background color is the same.

I poked around the settings a bit, but couldn’t figure it out. I haven’t changed anything so not sure how this happened.

Sorry couldn’t figure out how to take a snapshot while activating a menu-item. So used my phone…but I hope the image helps.

This is commonly the result of an incompatible Plasma theme — note: that is “Plasma theme”, not “global theme” or “application theme”.

I’m afraid that your only option is to try a different Plasma theme, and/or a different application theme.


Thank you @Aragorn. Sorry for the dumb follow up question: How can I make sure that I have a consistent theme…is there a tutorial or something I can read. For example the difference between global theme, plasma theme & application theme? etc.

Not that I know of, but here are the distinctions…:

  • The Plasma theme is the theming applied to the panels and desktop widgets.

  • The application theme is the theming appplied to KDE-/Qt-native applications. Most of those themes will be variants of the built-in Breeze theme, but if you set the theme to Kvantum, then you can download Kvantum themes and load them into the Kvantum Manager. Kvantum themes are based upon scalable vector graphics. Note: GTK does not support Kvantum and uses its own themes, which is why the KDE developers have included a Breeze variant for GTK.

  • Window decorations are sometimes also called KWin themes. They only affect the window border and title bar. GTK applications tend to use client-side decorations (CSD) instead, which means that the application itself draws and controls the window border and integrates the window control buttons (close, minimize, maximize) into the application toolbar. While there are proponents of this, it is actually technically not a good idea. Either way, it also means that GTK applications often do not follow the KDE-native look of the window decorations. You can however force them to do so by installing gtk3-nocsd from the AUR.

  • Global themes are designed to change all of the above — with varying degrees of success — including mouse pointers and panel layouts. My advice is to steer very far away from global themes and just apply theming to the individual elements separately, i.e. choose a Plasma theme, choose a window decoration, and choose an application theme.

Note: For a while already, installing additional themes and widgets from within the various Plasma components themselves is broken due to a network problem over at However, if you install ocs-url from the AUR, then you can install the theme or widget in question from within your browser by clicking the link below that you see on the page for the theme or widget at



P.S.: I myself am using the Opal Plasma theme. It is fully transparent and uses white text. It works best against a medium-dark wallpaper, and with a high amount of blur — see the “Desktop Effects” section in the System Settings.

Here’s a screenie. :wink: :arrow_down:

Here’s my complete theming info:

  • The Plasma theme ─ i.e. the panels and widgets ─ is Opal.
  • The window decoration is Mojave Dark Aurorae.
  • The application theme is Glow Mojave Dark ─ it’s a kvantum theme.
  • The icon theme is WhiteSur.
  • The mouse pointer is from the oxygen-cursors-extra package from the AUR.
  • The font is Noto Sans ─ should be installed by default.
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Thanks for spending the time to explain different theming categories, much appreciated. And thank you for sharing your theme!

I think, my problem seems to be a clash between the window decoration and plasma style.

I got it to work by changing the window decoration, but when I switched to Firefox, it disappeared again…

But I think as you described, it is a theming issue…I’ll fiddle with it some more.

Ah, but the stock Firefox that ships with Manjaro does not support the global menu, Padawan. For that, read this tutorial you must. :stuck_out_tongue:


Also, Firefox is a GTK application, and therefore it does not follow the KDE/Qt theming. You must choose an appropriate GTK theme in the System Settings. :arrow_down:

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