Help for newcomers

Good day fellow Linux lovers.

I have noticed a trend on forums lately that I do not like.
Okay just to be clear, I appreciate everyone who makes a difference.
Not only in the Linux community, but in any and every community.
I’m not here to make anyone look or feel bad in any way shape or form.
In admittance, I too am guilty of what I am about to address. I saw the flaw of my ways and would like to rectify this.
I just want to contribute and do something meaningful as well and I believe this will help many newcomers.

I appreciate those who volunteer to help those in the Linux community in need.
Really. Thank you guys. Without you, I would probably not be doing this in Manjaro.

I’ll just get right into it then.

I remember when I first started to dabble my feet into Linux. I was lost and I needed help. Now as any rational person would do, I would first try to find a YouTube walk-through then (If that didn’t help) I’d try to find a solution on Google. The last thing I did was ask a forum.
I can not begin to describe my frustration each time an answer came in the form of a link to an article with the words “Try this”.
I could have googled that article. In fact, I have Googled that article. I did not understand that article. This is why I asked for help.

Ok. That did sound like I’m really giving flak to someone but hold on.
Let’s try another perspective. My own struggle wasn’t all that horrible because I was already a practicing technician and I managed to work through all my problems.
Also this is not isolated to Linux forums. This is something that is happening on all forums and it is a really big problem

But if I were to put myself in the shoes of someone who was perhaps less knowledgeable than I was, I can see a real problem. I will give analogies. Imagine you needed medical help and the doctor simply plops down a medical book and says “This will help.” or if you needed legal help and the lawyer did the same. Imagine your child asks you a question and that is your response.

I’m not trying to become a doctor or a lawyer. I simply need to find out what is wrong with me or whether something is legal or not.

Likewise, some noobs are not trying to become programmers, They just want to follow steps and fix a problem.

Linux is not too popular. And that sucks. Mostly for gamers like me or photo editors or architects. Because their software will most likely not work on Linux. Why? Because as a huge firm pumping out software for millions of people and earning billions of bucks, it just doesn’t make sense to spend time and money making software work on a platform that is not being used.

We want to see an increase in the usage. A larger community. Yes, not everyone will contribute and not everyone should, but there are strength in numbers and simply being a Linux user contributes to the recognition of Linux.

I ask for all to be as respectful to me as I was in this thread. I would like for all Linux users new and old to be treated with compassion and understanding.

Let’s make Linux great.

I would now like to thank all those who powered through this. Thank you for reading this and thank you for all you have done so far.


To add to what you said. The person you helped with a little bit of time and patience will then have a better understanding of how linux works. They will remember how they fixed their problems and may go on to help someone else who has the same problem in the future.
All that being said i fully understand how frustrating it is when someone asks a question that was literally answered in the post above theirs.


For me is always the last info for linux … but why not for a new linux user …
Manjaro is a rolling, only good informations is in wiki and last posts in forum : forget videos and blogs

if a user does not introduce himself in detail, it is normal to give a link and a very short explanation, then if he does not understand it he will find help.
It doesn’t make sense in a forum to explain in detail every request, and it will be a huge waste of time if we don’t know beforehand what the user doesn’t understand, his level and his desire to learn; In addition, the forum is not intended to create automatically assisted people, we can assume that a linux user is a little curious (use linux is already a discovery for everyone)


Yes Helping someone is a great way to expand Linux awareness and usage. I know, it can be a little frustrating when someone asks a question that was answered in the post above. But it could be that it was not answered to his satisfaction. Although, in that case, why not just reply to the post that wasn’t answered satisfactory and say that?

Or perhaps he just missed it. We are lucky in the sense that we seem to have been born with an understanding for technology and how it works, Some are not as lucky. I can think back to when I did not know anything about how a forum works I would make some mistakes, even start fights but we live and we learn


I think you hit the nail on the head there. Without some background info., it’s guesswork to know how much the poster already does know. Many don’t post this, at least at first.



Actually well put, in some regards

Each person has a way to comunicate, whatever is or not perceived as useful or efficient. For some people something is obvious, hence they will be short. Sometimes the presented issue requires more information and research regardless who does it and from where they gather that information, but it always have to start with information from that particular help request OP.
That is why we have [HowTo] Provide System Information
That is why some tutorials are written.
If people fail to read even those to gave a proper description of an issue, how would that motivate some other forum member to provide assistance and help?

What you actually compared when you gave the examples with the doctor and lawyer … is in the realm of profession and professionalism. Some forum members and me, even tho in Manjaro Team, i’m not a professional in technical assistance (as the doctor and the lawyer you referred to are), yet, i consider most did and do a great job, in the past forum and here. My texts/replies are very dry and for some people even came across as having a tone of aggressiveness. :slight_smile:

Manjaro forum was always a respectful place, with slight heated up moments, but in this new forum this is our policy: Everyone is treated fair and respectful.

Looking forward to your interaction with other forum members and how you will deal with help requests. Personally i’m always enthusiast to learn more.

We all did mistakes. There is nobody without that under their rugs :slight_smile:

By the way,
Welcome to Manjaro!


For me, if a user asks for help, posting a link or asking for details is just the conversation beginning.
And if a person doesn’t understand (technical cause or bad English), it doesn’t seem to me that he is abandoned on this forum : What’s most important

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I understand your concern. Not everyone learns the same way and not everyone follows the same steps in problem solving. There can be more than one answer to the simplest of questions. if i ask what is the sum of 5 and 5. It is natural to answer with 10. Or another correct answer can be not 6 or even 20/2. All was correct

I know it is impossible beforehand to know what a person’s system or background is but I would once again like to point to the fact that most people have already tried other steps.

I understand that a forum is not necessarily there to help step by step but sometimes it can be used to do just that. a computer was not intended to play games, to play music and movies but here we are.

Most Linux users are a little curious especially nowadays but it can also be that someone does not have the means to obtain windows or mac and someone told him about Linux.

My whole point that I wanted to make here is to try as hard as possible to keep people on Linux. I absolutely love how Linux is gaining traction and the more people join, the better it would be especially if more people started making software to work in Linux.

Honestly. I love the reactions I’m getting. You guys are so understanding. Thank you

Thank you so much. I have been using Manjaro since the beginning of the year. And ugh I’m so glad I did. It’s so much simpler than windows once you get used to it. I did go back to windows for awhile. (My laptop was just not DXVK compatible) and the first thing I noticed was just how bad windows sound. I’m no audiophile but windows sounds terrible.

And a good day to you too, sir

I partially agree. But I really think that the user must also make an effort in understanding the basics. I’m as noob as it can be. I can work with linux, but don’t make me do difficult things. Oh no wait, I can do difficult things, but I’ll have to read a manual, search the internet, a wiki. And if I don’t understand, I will ask for help on whatever forum I have to. Mostly This one :wink: I think this also applies to users from other OS’es.

There are plenty of Manjaro fans helping each other, day and night. They all do it out of conviction, the users, moderators, the developers, name it. But I can imagine if a question comes back every day
, and the answer is right before you, on this forum, it gets a little frustrating. It shouldn’t be, but still, I understand. So I think there must be commitment along both sides.

But I really understand your statement :+1:


Thank you for your contribution. I look forward to possibly help you as well. I might not be a guru but I’m pretty well versed. I have spent the entire lock-down period just watching videos from ChrisTitus. His content really helped alot

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But this difference in audio quality might just be because of my pulseefects setup. I crafted it very carefully and it sounds pretty good. I’ll post the config here, give it a whirl if you want to.

Please always read the code before you use it. You never know, Someone might try to prank or infect you.

Just copy this into a .json file and load it into pulseeffects

    "spectrum": {
        "show": "true",
        "n-points": "150",
        "height": "100",
        "use-custom-color": "false",
        "fill": "false",
        "show-bar-border": "true",
        "sampling-freq": "10",
        "line-width": "2",
        "type": "Bars",
        "color": [
        "color-axis-labels": [
        "gradient-color": [
    "output": {
        "blacklist": "",
        "plugins_order": [
        "bass_enhancer": {
            "state": "true",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "amount": "0",
            "harmonics": "10",
            "scope": "111",
            "floor": "20",
            "blend": "5",
            "floor-active": "false",
            "listen": "false"
        "compressor": {
            "state": "true",
            "input-gain": "-15",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "mode": "Downward",
            "attack": "20",
            "release": "100",
            "release-threshold": "-200",
            "threshold": "-15",
            "ratio": "4",
            "knee": "-6",
            "makeup": "0",
            "boost-threshold": "-72",
            "sidechain": {
                "listen": "false",
                "type": "Feed-forward",
                "mode": "RMS",
                "source": "Middle",
                "preamp": "0",
                "reactivity": "10",
                "lookahead": "0"
            "hpf-mode": "off",
            "hpf-frequency": "10",
            "lpf-mode": "off",
            "lpf-frequency": "20000"
        "crossfeed": {
            "state": "false",
            "fcut": "700",
            "feed": "4.5"
        "deesser": {
            "state": "false",
            "detection": "RMS",
            "mode": "Wide",
            "threshold": "-18",
            "ratio": "3",
            "laxity": "15",
            "makeup": "0",
            "f1-freq": "6000",
            "f2-freq": "4500",
            "f1-level": "0",
            "f2-level": "12",
            "f2-q": "1",
            "sc-listen": "false"
        "equalizer": {
            "state": "true",
            "mode": "IIR",
            "num-bands": "19",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "split-channels": "false",
            "left": {
                "band0": {
                    "type": "Bell",
                    "mode": "RLC (BT)",
                    "slope": "x1",
                    "solo": "false",
                    "mute": "false",
                    "gain": "4.5999999999999996",
                    "frequency": "32",
                    "q": "4.3600000000000003"
                "band1": {
                    "type": "Bell",
                    "mode": "RLC (BT)",
                    "slope": "x1",
                    "solo": "false",
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                    "gain": "4.5999999999999996",
                    "frequency": "45",
                    "q": "4.3600000000000003"
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                    "q": "4.3600000000000003"
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        "exciter": {
            "state": "false",
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            "output-gain": "0",
            "amount": "0",
            "harmonics": "8.5",
            "scope": "7500",
            "ceil": "16000",
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        "filter": {
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            "input-gain": "0",
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            "frequency": "2000",
            "resonance": "-3",
            "mode": "12dB\/oct Lowpass",
            "inertia": "20"
        "gate": {
            "state": "false",
            "detection": "RMS",
            "stereo-link": "Average",
            "range": "-24",
            "attack": "20",
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            "threshold": "-18",
            "ratio": "2",
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            "input": "0",
            "makeup": "0"
        "limiter": {
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            "input-gain": "0",
            "limit": "-8",
            "lookahead": "5",
            "release": "50",
            "auto-level": "false",
            "asc": "true",
            "asc-level": "0.5",
            "oversampling": "1",
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        "maximizer": {
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            "release": "3.1600000000000001",
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            "threshold": "0"
        "pitch": {
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            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "cents": "0",
            "semitones": "0",
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        "reverb": {
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            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "room-size": "Large",
            "decay-time": "1.5",
            "hf-damp": "5000",
            "diffusion": "0.5",
            "amount": "-12",
            "dry": "0",
            "predelay": "0",
            "bass-cut": "300",
            "treble-cut": "5000"
        "multiband_compressor": {
            "state": "false",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "freq0": "120",
            "freq1": "1000",
            "freq2": "6000",
            "mode": "LR8",
            "subband": {
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "lowband": {
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "midband": {
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "highband": {
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
        "loudness": {
            "state": "true",
            "fft": "4096",
            "std": "ISO226-2003",
            "volume": "-6"
        "multiband_gate": {
            "state": "false",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "freq0": "120",
            "freq1": "1000",
            "freq2": "6000",
            "mode": "LR8",
            "subband": {
                "reduction": "-24",
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "lowband": {
                "reduction": "-24",
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "midband": {
                "reduction": "-24",
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
            "highband": {
                "reduction": "-24",
                "threshold": "-12",
                "ratio": "2",
                "attack": "150",
                "release": "300",
                "makeup": "0",
                "knee": "9",
                "detection": "RMS",
                "bypass": "false",
                "solo": "false"
        "stereo_tools": {
            "state": "false",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "balance-in": "0",
            "balance-out": "0",
            "softclip": "false",
            "mutel": "false",
            "muter": "false",
            "phasel": "false",
            "phaser": "false",
            "mode": "LR > LR (Stereo Default)",
            "side-level": "0",
            "side-balance": "0",
            "middle-level": "0",
            "middle-panorama": "0",
            "stereo-base": "0",
            "delay": "0",
            "sc-level": "1",
            "stereo-phase": "0"
        "convolver": {
            "state": "true",
            "input-gain": "-2",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "kernel-path": "\/home\/matteo\/.config\/PulseEffects\/irs\/Razor Surround ((48k Z-Edition)) 2.Stereo +20 bass.irs",
            "ir-width": "100"
        "crystalizer": {
            "state": "false",
            "aggressive": "false",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "band0": {
                "intensity": "12",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band1": {
                "intensity": "10",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band2": {
                "intensity": "8",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band3": {
                "intensity": "6",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band4": {
                "intensity": "4",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band5": {
                "intensity": "2",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band6": {
                "intensity": "0",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band7": {
                "intensity": "-2",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band8": {
                "intensity": "-4",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band9": {
                "intensity": "-6",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band10": {
                "intensity": "-8",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band11": {
                "intensity": "-10",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
            "band12": {
                "intensity": "-12",
                "mute": "false",
                "bypass": "false"
        "autogain": {
            "state": "true",
            "detect-silence": "false",
            "use-geometric-mean": "true",
            "input-gain": "-20",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "target": "-6",
            "weight-m": "1",
            "weight-s": "1",
            "weight-i": "1"
        "delay": {
            "state": "false",
            "input-gain": "0",
            "output-gain": "0",
            "time-l": "0",
            "time-r": "0"

It’s better if you use the “hide details” from the cog icon at the right of the post toolbar, like this:


Long list here

… also wrap in code tags where appropriate.
as it will make the thread easier to read … but thanks for your contribution!

:rofl: Thank you. and apologies

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In my experience, this is not always the case with most people. Some, yes, perhaps even many. And if they have already tried other steps, it is customary to recount this in the OP. However, in many cases the use hasn’t found the correct search parameters, and a link to a guide or wiki is actually useful. When I worked in consumer tech support, 50% of the job was using google for the customer and 40% was reading documentation aloud.

Another reason that people answer with links can be that they don’t have personal experience with the particular issue at hand, but still want to help.

Regardless, it is important to listen to the needs of the particular person and if the documentation is not clear, explain it differently.

This is very true yes. I also get it alot where customers come to me to repair something. They usually regard you to the highest standard and alot of times I actually have no clue how to even begin solving their problem. :rofl: but alas, it’s my job to solve it so I figure it out. I understand the frustration of being a technician, especially since I’m more hardware orientated but i still need to help with software. Each day I find a new reason to dislike Windows. I respect Microsoft. I have been using it for years, they made computing available to the general public where previously only neckbeards like myself used computers and if it wasn’t for them, I might not have a job, but I just find Linux so much more simple windows is just not for me.

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What is the question in one sentence, please?
Has the question been answered?

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:joy: :joy: There is no question here.

It was a simple discussion.

Although I appreciate your willingness to help my friend.

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