Hello friends,
I am developing Manjaro Starter. It inspired by Manjaro Hello. It is at half of the way, but I want to learn your ideas and opinions.
The kernel order is misleading: linux54 should appear first.
It’s likely caused by the alphabetical order (“510” < “54”).
Careful also if using numeral order, as you’d also have issues with the 4.x series:
44 < 49 < 54 < 414 < 419 < 510
kinda snazzy lookin
Wow I like the UI design, it is like GitHub!
Will it replace Manjaro Hello? Will it puts Manjaro Settings Manager inside it?
It wouldn’t make sense to put Manjaro Settings Manager in it. It is aimed towards new Linux / Manjaro users. It’s like a starter pack to help set up your system.
OK, I found that it can install kernels so I think that it can replace MSM
Besides, it is much more prettier than MSM
That’s not it’s aim. Think of it like a post-installation setup wizard similar to manjaro-application-utility
(Applications button in Manjaro Hello).
manjaro-starter is now available in the unstable branch. Please test and provide feedback by creating an issue. @oguzkagan will be away for about a month and will resume development when he returns.
We are looking for translators. The guide can be found GitHub - oguzkaganeren/manjaro-starter: A tool providing access to documentation and support for new Manjaro users.
Please test 0.12.0-1 in the unstable branch:
Hi guys, we are continuing to develop the project. With 0.13.1 version,
- App changelogs
- New one-page design
- Fixes some bugs
- Improve stability
What we are planning for the next versions?
- Live mode
- Offline mode
- Adding more settings and improving existing
And last, don’t hesitate to share us any ideas or feedback. You can share your ideas here or create a issue on github.
Some screens can be seen below.
Hi guys, what we did do last week,
- Live mode added (it helps to some functions hide in the Manjaro Starter when it opens in Manjaro Live).
- Offline mode added (it helps to some functions hide or disable in the Manjaro Starter when don’t have an internet connection).
- Updated position of the Manjaro starter changelog to the about page and some style changes.
- Added command history.
- Changed home screen design.
- Bug fixes.
Some screens can be seen below.
My opinion based on the screenshots only:
I think you need more blank space between the left side button menu and the main content, we can see it is almost touching there, and we can see there is a lot of blank space on the far right side. Also it is not consistent, on the first screenshot the buttons have the full width of the menu area and text is centered, but on second screenshot we see the buttons are aligned to the right side in the menu area and seem to be the width of the word inside of it (I think it is cleaner like that but maybe with a big word length difference in the various menu button it could look weird, I would need to see to be sure). I think you should decide only one menu style and have it applied everywhere you have this kind of menu for proper consistency.
In first screenshot we can see it is the E-Mail button that is active, we can also see the main content has for title “E-Mail”, with a subtitle “E-mail, Calendar, Tasks”. It is too much “E-mail” in the same spot.
I think the content title is unnecessary as the active button in the menu clearly shows where we are in the application, this is too much repetition. Maybe keep only the “subtitle” as the content page title instead.
The arrows to go through the applications list seem off to me, maybe not contrasty enough, too small, not well positioned, I’m not sure, but they don’t feel right to me. They don’t have same color too, maybe it is because one is “active” in the screenshot. I feel like maybe if the arrows were not on top of the content it would be better, I’m not sure.
Hi guys, We have released 0.22.6. I hope you love it. Don’t hesitate to send us your feedback.
What we did after last my post:
- Added showing GPU information to System section.
- Added search box for packages and help thanks to the manjaro search engine.
- Added the fstrim timer service setting for users that have SSD.
- Fixed many code bugs and design problems.
Some screens can be seen below.
A post was split to a new topic: Installation choosing the latest kernel for me rather than an LTS stable kernel
It has improved since last time.
I found multiple issues on my end with 0.22.6-1
when you scroll down, the content goes under the “top”, I think the top should be kept on top but we should not see the main content under it.
even when you make the window bigger, on next page this is how it is, when you try to search it clicks on the “top” part which is over it and brings you back to the Welcome initial screen.
I find also the the Prev (which may be a typo, shouldn’t it be Previous?) and Next button should go through the left menu items, I don’t know, I see it as people will like me on my first use, click Let’s Begin → Next → Finish and miss all the menu items available.
Keep up the good work
//EDIT: maybe on the Kernel page, each kernel box could have an information icon/popup for LTS / RT and the description above could maybe have a sentence about each to explain LTS is recommended and why, and RT is only for specific use and shouldn’t be used without being experienced with it. Also maybe a sentence for the “mainline” kernels and their short life. Good thing I do not see the Experimental kernel in the list
on Storage page I see a typo in button(Twice password
it should be button (Twice password
on Settings page, the buttons open their corresponding application but in a tiny window, maybe it is intended but it may be better to have it bigger by default
some weirdness when resizing the window:
From the images in the OP
Back a few years , as a new user of Manjaro (not linux), it wasn’t immediately clear how the various official and non-official resources were being used, their purpose, and how a end-user should prioritize them for optimal use.
On the first image, a series of buttons are shown. It would be more helpful if the official and non-official resources were clearly identified and separated.
A user, especially inexperienced, may be more familar with common words: Support, Report a Bug, Documentation, Get Involved, Announcements, News, General Discussion or Community.
“Post to Forum” is way to generic and doesn’t tell the user why they would post to the forum. They could post only to be told this is not the purpose.
Just want to mention these 3 helpful Manjaro resources for inclusion in the appropriate location.
- https://repo.manjaro.org/
- https://packages.manjaro.org/
- RSS Feeds for Discourse forum
After installing manjaro-starter
When starting manjaro-starter, check for UID = 0 and display a dialog box to ensure not being run as root.
Feedback is requested (“send us your feedback”), but not how/where.
How do users know which kernels are longterm releases. Users are sometimes told to install a longterm release kernel or they may ask about them. The response is to explicitly tell them and/or to check kernel.org.
Before “Set fastest mirrors”, should country code be requested.
Before any action that alters the system is taken, a confirmation dialog should be displayed. Someone with less experience or trying out the applicaiton may click buttons to see if there is a dialog telling them more information with the assumption that they can cancel.
This applies to: “Set fastest mirrors”, “Updates” and “Kernels”
I’m always little bit uncomfortable of doing things without telling the user what is going on. In this case, a kernel install.
I was on a VM that I knew needed the last Stable Update. I clicked on a kernel and immediately, without notification, the VM was being updated. I escaped out of it (not recommended, but hey it was a VM) and updated my system outside of manjaro-starter via
pacman -Syu
. When I re-entered manjaro-starter and clicked on a different kernel, not only was the kernel installed but the few AUR packages were updated too. -
Don’t update AUR packages when doing a kernel install.
Don’t update AUR packages when doing an update.
If going to handle AUR updates, do it separately or tell the user how to do it.
I started manjaro-starter from the command line. Maybe this is due to development stage and will change in the future, but I’m getting a lot of repetitive messages. Sometimes there are just two, but in others, like the one below, 92 times.
"2023-01-27][05:27:47][c@tauri://localhost/static/js/main.50e9f461.js:2:560234][INFO] command stdout: "Installing linux419 (4.19.270-1)... [1/1]
- At first, I thought “Command History” was going to be like .bash_history, a history of commands manjaro-starter executed on the user’s behalf, but it the log. The “Command History” or “Log” cannot be opened and viewed within the GUI while an update is occurring.
Looks like a very nice application for new Manjaro users.
Hi guys, thank you all for your feedback. I shape it with your suggestions. I will keep going. We have released Release v0.29.0 · oguzkaganeren/manjaro-starter · GitHub.
What we did after last my post:
- Root detector added (When trying to open with sudo command, shows warning popup and closes the application)
- Command history only shows run commands (not any more logs)
- Added bug report button and feedback link.
- Added confirmation popup for some actions (install kernel, install package, mirror changes, etc.) and showing which commands will be run.
- Active branch badge added.
- Added repo.manjaro.org and packages.manjaro.org buttons.
- Updated some components’ design.
- Added package branch version information (unstable version, testing version, stable version)
- Added customized mirror pool section with country selection.
- Bugs fixes and CI improvements.
Some screens can be seen below.
I suggest Manjaro Team to fast track this package. Unstable has 0.28, Testing has 0.27, and Stable has 0.26.4
I don’t think this is relevant to have three different version on different branches, this is a package in development requiring community feedback.
If This is Installed can you make it show in the live environment instead of manjaro-hello