Previously I enabled spinning down external USB disks on shutdown via the following udev rule: ACTION=="add|change", DRIVERS=="usb-storage|uas", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_disk", ATTR{manage_start_stop}="1"
(thanks to this thread)
This enabled automatic spin down for all usb drives on shutdown (by default it only powers off internal drives, no idea why though).
It has been working fine but only after latest stable updates (2023-11-06) the attribute manage_start_stop stopped being applied to the drive:
In Testing, there was this issue with spinning disks not spinning down. Some patch was made there but only few people reported it was fixed. I am sure this was fixed but I can not find it there?
Yes, I’ve read all those threads, commit messages and mails. I’m running kernel 6.5.9 right now, the changelog above applies to kernel 6.5.10.
By default the linux kernel only spins down internel disks at shutdown. I also need to spin down all external drives to safely power them off. The udev rule is not associated to any bug or testing. Please see the linked topic in my first post.
That solution worked fine for a long time but now stopped (manage_start_stop attribute not applied to the external drives)