First time with high-res laptop, Gnome's zoom settings are horrible, don't know how to change them

I just installed Gnome-flavored Manjaro on a brand new laptop, which is 14" and has a 2880x1800 (16:10) resolution.

But. The interface is zoomed in way too much, everything’s too big, and in settings I have only 3 zoom levels available (100, 200 (which is the one selected), and 300%). None of them is reasonable (either too much or too little zoomed in).

I’ve done some research, found that I should use Tweaks for fractional scaling, but I don’t see how… Also, I tried reading through the HiDPI ArchWiki page, but it’s too complicated I’m scared I’ll break everything (which I usually do when I try to follow instructions that I don’t understand)…

It gets worse when I connect an external monitor of resolution 1900x1200 — it’s so zoomed in that just the dock take about one eighth of the height of the screen…

I’m sure Gnome has been designed to cope with this kind of situation… But how?

Please help! Thanks.


Thanks! Only two commands to solve what I thought would take a lot more energy… Everythings looks perfect now!

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