I just reboot my system and I should up failed to load sddm
I searched a bit found to remove video-vesa using mhwd -r. I got this from a topic like this
I followed the steps but there was no config but video-vesa was there
I found I error myself I run sddm command and them it showed can’t find required package
And then I try to upgrade it but failed as it’s was required by many other like manjaro-setting-manajor
And in last /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (libicuuc.so.68: no such file or Directory)
I just upgraded that only icu to 69 to fix sddm
But this is causing error
I have now updated its now up-to-date now I will update daily the last I tried for update it showed root fs full. For this I created topic too.
But I am now really surprised by looks now it’s fully charged