Help others to help you better by:
- Providing system info about your hardware by posting program output instead of describing your hardware.
- Use new lines when a sentence ends, so it is better readable and followable by others.
- If english is not your native language please see:
English [HowTo] Become multi-language on internet
Türkçe [Nasıl] İnternette çok dilli olun
Deutsch [Wie man] Werden Sie im Internet mehrsprachig
Français [Comment] Devenir multilingue sur internet
Española [Cómo] Conviértete en multilenguaje en Internet
中文 [如何] 成为互联网上的多语言
Italiana [Come] Diventa multilingua su internet
русский язык [Как] Стать многоязычным в Интернете
Please read and follow all advice in this thread:
That only indicates that you have problems with name resolution, aka DNS lookups, its completely different as your topic title…