On the same boat: company policy to have secure boot, must have windows installed for some third party compliance vpn/proprietary software (not really concerned about games like this angry Aragorn person ranted). they don’t mind if i dual boot into other os for my private stuff as long i keep secure boot enabled to comply with client contracts
So i just ignored them (because no sysadmin is going to come to my computer and check whether i have it enabled so whatever), but now they will install some micro$oft intune that is going to re-enable secure boot on demand by a sysadmin which is end of manjaro for me
The post from linux-aarhus mentions guide on how to enable a brand new iso install for secure boot, which is not applicable for us who already have manjaro installed.
However, i have found this promising guide that uses “shim” to sign the keys for secure boot, but i am afraid to bork something up because it mentions enabling AUR in order to get shim-signed
and across this forum people always advice against third party packages, or at least flatpack only
Could someone more tech savvy advice me whether disabling/uninstalling shim-signed
after this process is safe? Or whether is there an alternative to use it without AUR?