Enable Brother HL-L2350DW Printer

Hi, I have a Brother HL-L2350DW printer and I have installed the aur driver but I can’t get CUPS or Gnome Printers to add that driver to make the printer work. What do I have to do to add that printer to the system? Thanks for Manjaro.

I cannot tell you how to use the GUI tools (the Cups web interface or the Manjaro Printer GUI) to choose the driver which you have installed.
It’s normally a simple and intuitive process - I do not remember the specifics.
… provided that the driver is actually there …

the printer appears to be a network capable printer - which means you don’t need any driver at all - if you configure it as a network printer.

What I remember of the process:
avahi needs to be active - not just present

Perhaps this here helps:

CUPS/Printer-specific problems - ArchWiki

the whole Article, not just the portion about Brother

and I found this (in EOS forum):

Printer Brother HL-L2350DW may not be connected - #9 by joekamprad - Newbie - EndeavourOS

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In the absence of detailed information, all I can offer is:


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Only mentioning this because I cannot remember if it’s enabled by default or not, anyway you may need to enable the systemd avahi daemon. I personally do not have a Brother printer, but I did recently buy a Canon printer and it didn’t work until I remembered that I had masked avahi

Somebody requested support for the same printer a few years ago. Maybe it helps

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There does seem to be a driver for it in the AUR:

$ pamac search L2350
brother-hll2350dw  4.0.0-2                                                   AUR
    Brother HL-L2350DW CUPS driver

Which can be easily installed using:

pamac build brother-hll2350dw

Hope it helps!

a Reminder: While use of the AUR is possible, it’s neither recommended nor supported. See:

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Hello, Thank you all for your help. The driver is installed but CUPS does not detect the driver and in the list of printers to choose a .ppd file does not appear. I have decided to control the printer through the mobile with the native application of Brother for android. Thank you very much.

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I am by no means an expert, but I can recommend:


This helped me set up my printer and it was the first one I’ve ever had on Linux.

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