Electron12 update fails with FileNotFoundError:

Hi to all,

I have been searching the forums and don’t know what to do with this. It occurs while attempting to upgrade my system.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/tmp/pamac-build-media/electron12/src/src/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS/src’

I am sure that seems obvious to someone out there! First, and for several weeks, normal updates through the package manager have failed. So I decided to take a more utility approach and update/grade this way. I don’t know how to clean this up.

Thanks for any help you can give me. As well as any correction/instruction on a better way to write my posts. Always learning.


Electron 12 was dropped from repositories and now is only available via AUR. Was announced in the update notes:

Remove/uninstall electron12 first and then proceed with the update.

Thanks for your reply. I did that with sudo pacman -R electron12 and then ran pamac upgrade

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/var/tmp/pamac-build-media/electron9/src/src/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS/src’

I am using this machine as media server for Kodi. I don’t know what electron12 or 9 even is. Sorry for my ignorance on this. And thanks in advance for your help.

I would clear your Pamac cache, it seems there’s old files from packages you no longer have installed:

pamac clean --build-files --verbose


  • man pamac
  • pamac clean --help

Hi to all respondents! It was sick but it’s all better now. bogdancovaciu’s suggestion to remove electron12 was the right general direction but not the complete solution. However that convinced me to do a bit more man[ual] labor [I don’t read man pages well … even if I try :slight_smile: ] and after Yochanan’s suggestion on pamac clean [and a resulting failure once again] I did a bit of investigating further.
So …

$ pamac list -o
List orphaned packages. This generated a very long list.
$ pamac remove -o
This walked through all of the above findings and removed them. Then …

$ pamac upgrade
Suddenly there was a LOT less software to upgrade. :slight_smile:

And that seemed to run to completion.

Checking keyring… [1/1]
Checking integrity… [1/1]
Loading packages files… [1/1]
Checking file conflicts… [1/1]
Checking available disk space… [1/1]
Upgrading yay-git (11.3.0.r12.g647d160-1 → 11.3.1.r59.g9f67d10-1)… [1/1]
Transaction successfully finished.

And with that my system is now fully updated and working!

Thanks to you both for your responses and the gentle kick start. And I gotta say, the online Manjaro man page is quite well written.