Hi all!
Since 2 years i use Manjaro (before ubuntu) and i enjoy it very much and i like to thank everybody for contributing. As i like to keep ubuntu in dualboot i am in troble after every ubuntu grub update/install.
Isn’t there any chance to get and information about to fix this problem, without using the grub rescue in manjaro wiki? Also a hint for howto fix this from ubuntu side would be great.
I found a post on askubuntu but i can’t get it work.
Yeah, like what @omano said… I don’t think anybody is going to be able to help you without more information about your setup. How many hard drives do you have? How are they partitioned? What filetype is being used? There are too many possible things that could be going on and without more information there really isn’t much anybody can do to help.
I think I understand your problem because in the past I had similar problematic issue.
In my case I only want one operating system to be ‘bootable’ with grub. I install it in the real boot partition.
The rest of operating systems were installed in a ficticious bootable partition (real in disk but not for booting).
When the systems update, update their grubs but nothing change in the main boot partition.
The consequence is you are forced to update the main grub to recognice changes in the other systems.
I hope this was the idea.
ok, thanks.
You have got the two entries in the UEFI partition.
Why do you need the rescue grub method after the ubuntu update? Is the Manjaro entry dissappeared?
Can’t you boot in the Manjaro boot menu selecting manually from the firmware? (for exemple I need to click the ESC key to enter the selection menu of the firmware → then it shows the two options for selecting with grub menu I want to start).
Thanks again.
For testing the problem I start from an external drive I have installed various systems.
And It’s right: from the Ubuntu entry, grub doesn’t start any Manjaro (the Manjaro in the same external disk, nor the Manjaro in the ssd internal disk).
If in grub take off the ‘quiet’ parameter I see ‘kernel panic’.
In opposite, from an OpenSuse entry for grub, it is possible to start any system.
The same if I start from Manjaro entries.
Maybe the answer is definitive: omano 9 h
PS: Ubuntu’s GRUB can not boot Manjaro. Manjaro’s GRUB though, can boot anything.
I tried to boot from the Ubuntu grub menu again, and I get start the ArchLinux partition with no problems.
But not with any Manjaro. Sorry.
I think it was by that I discard to start from any other than Manjaro Grub. Thanks for the Manjaro team.
Well, there are known ways to modify your GRUB to suit your needs, like here . Three options are given. I, personaly, use the third one and forgot all troubles with updates and upgrades of my many OSes long ago.
For this method you may create your personal 06_custom file in /etc/grub.d as described here and here .
A simple work-around for Manjaro to co-exist with Ubuntu- based systems (which only rarely get an update for their grub pkg) is to always have Manjaro to be in charge of grub. That means eg after installing Ubunt on an existing Manjaro (which will break grub since Ubuntu’s grub will take over) simply boot from a Manjaro live-usb, do manjaro-chroot -a
pick your Manjaro partition and re-install grub sudo grub-install dev/sdx (where x is your drive with the boot partition, most likely sda)
In my experience around once a year an installed Ubuntu sys will get an update for its grub pkg that can re-break that, also any later added non-Manjaro distro will, so just repeat and get (any) Manjaro grub back in charge.
I also had the same exact issue - not being able to boot my Manjaro (main OS) from Ubuntu Grub and after seeing your post, installed REFInd on the Ubuntu and fixed it for like 5 mins.