Yes I think is’nt the time to provide a BTRFS default setup for Manjaro, the needed toolchain is not ready yet.
use of Snapper toolchain. We need then Suse patched GRUB and work like in Suse with nested Snapshots. Not the easiest solution to get it transparently explained to common users. The available Snapper-gui tool is even not comparable to the Timeshift GUI. Timeshifts GUI is more likely what common user know. With Snapper we chose a specific BTRFS setup, in my opinion not the best one. I use Snapper today, but the changes needed to setup a snapper configuration, removing his setup of nested snapshot subvolumes and installing new mountpoints, is a dirty trick to use snapper for a setup which is’nt designed for by his developer. And then we castrated snapper because we can’t use it for rollbacks. Not nice, but a way to go if the user know what he is doing.
The Timeshift-way. A nicely GUI but limited to a specific BTRFS layout. But more badly, Timeshift create writeable snapshots and that contradicts the goal of snapshots. Hardcoded limitation to use only / and /home is even a serious limitation.
And there exists today no good toolchain with integrated snapshot and backup facility for BTRFS.
Only grub-btrfs, snap-pac works in a automatical setup system seamless and transparently for common users. Any toolchain setup, i know, need on some point hand made interaction from the user. For me it was’nt a hard way to learn BTRFS and use the CLI to get what i want, i’t not realy complicated i think. But that can’t be a scale for a linux distribution.