Corrupted Manjaro Menu on desktop


Everything vanished from the Manjaro menu (you know that appears when you click on that).
There are only three group:
All Applications - this is empty
Places - works as usual
Recent Files - works as usual

And no more. How can i get back the old menu?

I restarted the system, now i canā€™t log in. Message something like this: ā€œFailed strat sessionā€
Now i writing form my backup system.
What would be the solution to restore the menu panel?
How can i log in again?

:+1: Welcome to Manjaro! :+1:

  1. Please read this:
    [HowTo] Provide System Information
    and post some more information so we can see whatā€™s really going on. Now we know the symptom of the disease, but we need some more probing to know where the origin liesā€¦

  2. An inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width would be the minimum required informationā€¦ (Personally Identifiable Information like serial numbers and MAC addresses will be filtered out by the above command) but as you canā€™t seem to log in through the GUI, try Ctrl+Alt+F2 to go to TTY2 and provide the information from there.
    Also, please copy-paste that output in-between 3 backticks ``` at the beginning and end of the code/text.

  3. The exact error message please?


P.S. If you enter a bit more details in your profile, we can also see which Desktop Environment youā€™re using, which CPU/GPU or Kernel, ā€¦ you have without typing it every time

Thank for your answer.
Because i couldnā€™t log in (Failed start session) I decided to reinstall the entire system.
Please close this thread.

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I think thatā€™s a good plan - of course, as youā€™ve made snapshots with Timeshift you will be able to copy back many .config files to save time.

To avoid this in the future, please read this:


P.S. Thread closed as per your request, left the ā€œRestore your system backupā€ as a solutionā€¦ :grin: