Hello, after installed the new kernel, everything I could got is a black screen so I switched back to 5.8 and it was fine until a new update that once again doesn’t pass from the motherboard screen, it seems like a problem with Nvidia drivers too. I am still new on Linux.
Hello, and Welcome to Manjaro. Next, I really do not know anything about Nvidia but here some tips:
Use the Search button and you will find a lot of information.
Please read this:
You will learn a lot about your problem. I would bet it is a question of which version 450 or 455.
good luck
nvidia+linux59=broken. just dont.
This is what I get on kernel 5.8.
Sorry for the picture but I can’t copy/paste. Also not sure if I should take pictures of the results from commands listed on How to provide good information.
Sincerely I have no idea what to do.
I cant help right now … but see this:
I am trying to follow this guide.
However when I insert this command
sudo pacman -S manjaro-chroot
I get this.
[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ sudo pacman -S manjaro-chroot
error: target not found: manjaro-chroot
That is the command. The package is called manjaro-tools-base
$ sudo pacman -F manjaro-chroot
extra/manjaro-tools-base 0.15.10-1 (manjaro-tools) [Installiert]
boot on USB iso manjaro
open a terminal and a browser on this topic
and returns
sudo manjaro-chroot -a
mhwd-kernel -li
mhwd -li
inxi -Fza
exit ( quit chroot )
[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ sudo manjaro-chroot -a
==> Detected systems:
--> 0) Windows
--> 1) Manjaro:linux:btrfs:UUID=c16bedf5-da02-4346-bdea-17c05dcadeca
==> Select system to mount [0-1] :
==> ERROR: You can't mount 1!
If I type 0 instead of 1 I get the same:
[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ sudo manjaro-chroot -a
==> Detected systems:
--> 0) Windows
--> 1) Manjaro:linux:btrfs:UUID=c16bedf5-da02-4346-bdea-17c05dcadeca
==> Select system to mount [0-1] :
==> ERROR: You can't mount 0!
with btrfs , yo ucant use command manjro-chroot
you have to use this one
you can use manjaro-chroot this way
( recheck disks partitions before )
sudo mount -o subvol=@ /dev/sdaX /mnt
manjaro-chroot /mnt
sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
manjaro-chroot /mnt/@
if you want to install grub
for uefi
you can
mount efi partition before hand
/dev/sdaX is root partition
/dev/sdaY is efi partition
sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
sudo mount /dev/sdaY /mnt/@/boot/efi
manjaro-chroot /mnt/@