Compiz-easy-patch removed from repos

Thanks for uncorrecting me. You basically said what I wrote, you just added why Manjaro dropped the package and that they didn’t warn the users that they would drop the package.

all the packages I had that got dropped in the past, got automatically replaced with their AUR counterpart (AUR package with same name), that is if the AUR is enabled on the user end in Pamac, still the functionality is there.

it is indeed not fun to have an update break the system, but it is expected at some point, I’m afraid if you’re not prepared for that eventuality that you may have made a mistake installing a rolling release distro. In that case a simple rebuild from the new source (AUR or manually) for that package seem to be the solution. It may not seem ideal for users I can agree (but using that package seem to denote an interest and competence already to tinker with the base system), but there might even be a possibility that the package get added back, with no promise, if users tell the devs about their interest in the poll above (which for now seem to be low interest, 6 users showed interest for this package).

Hello, Friends!

I know what it’s like to have your favorite repo abandoned by the maintainer. It’s rough. If ya’ll rely on compiz-easy-patch, then power to ya!

I am honoured to be mentioned by SimpleTechGuy, but to be totally honest, I didn’t even realize a package called compiz-easy-patch existed.

After every major system update, ever since the Manjaro team deprecated older nvidia drivers, I’ve had to compile my drivers from scratch against an older LTS Linux kernel 5.4. Sometimes (not always) the system update breaks compiz-reloaded. So before I reboot, I’ve gotten in the practice of just building compiz from AUR using this command:

$ pamac build compiz-gtk compiz-bcop libcompizconfig compizconfig-python ccsm compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-experimental emerald emerald-themes fusion-icon emerald-gtk3

I wish I knew how to script so I could automate the process described above because right now system updates (including to get compiz working) requires more manual intervention on my part than there really should be. Ah well. #FWP I guess.

My question for @SimpleTechGuy is this: How did you know that I run compiz? I am glad you tagged me it’s just a mystery to me how you knew how much I use (and love) this window manager.

My question for the rest of you now is this: Is compiz-easy-patch really that much easier than just building compiz by invoking that pamac command I shared above?

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Hi @Drone4four, thanks for the comment and for the information. I apologize for taking so long to respond, but just wanted to answer your questions. Basically all I did to find you were using compiz was searched the forums for compiz keyword and found anyone who had posted previously about having used compiz. :slight_smile: Sorry no hacking or anything like that going on. lol… I was so frustrated they took away compiz and wanted to try and get as many people to help encourage the maintainers to keep it.

Anyway, I really do appreciate your comment and you taking the time to share your information and experience!

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