I’m 2 days into my first Linux experience (a non-coder/Windows defector, using Cinnamon off the back of the suggestion of Mr ExplainingComputers on YouTube). It installed and boots effortlessly on my 2008 Dell Inspiron (Mint wouldn’t) - all devices found and working glitch-free so far.
Having worked out how to install Chrome (tried both AUR and Flatpack versions) I’m getting laggy, slow motion style video playback from both Chrome and the pre-installed Vivaldi browser with YouTube and BBC iplayer content. These play fine in Firefox and movie files run fine in VLC/mpv players.
Can you please explain/advise a possible fix?
Many thanks for your prompt responses. I think I’ve resolved it!
Chrome’s internal acceleration was enabled when I checked so that wasn’t my issue.
I’ve been running Manjaro via a USB cable boot most of the time - so I tried plugging the SSD into the SATA socket - that was better but still not fully up to speed.
Having read through the recommended 2022 thread I jumped here:
On that page (at point 4) this command set seems to resolve it: google-chrome-stable --use-gl=desktop --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder --disable-features=UseChromeOSDirectVideoDecoder
Now I just need to work through the instructions below it to make the change permanent!
…erm … that would mean that hw-accel was not enabled and then you managed to get it going with those options. These are the kinds of options that will be required to have hw-acceleration on chromium browsers. Which flags precisely will depend on hardware and time, and subject to random changes.
For whatever its worth I have these all, but I havent double checked in a little while.