Cpu usage is very high! Trying to use igpu of Ryzen 5 4600H. kernel 5.15, chrome Version 98.0.4758.80
Did you search the forum and followed the advice?
yes I did
Launch the web browser using the
flag to enable VA-API hardware acceleration. [[Edit] With browsers based on Chromium 91 and newer, you’ll also need to launch it with the--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder
More information:
Yes I did all of that.
According to the screenshot Hardware acceleration in already enabled. As discussed in your last 3 topics you have to verify the settings for VA-API by running vainfo
. As that is giving you a issue consider going through this wiki page again.
Also open a youtube video and right click on it and check “Codes” in “Stats for nerds”. For me it shows vp09....
as VA-API is enabled.
This is a different device. This laptop has amd igpu also… so va-api is working here perfectly… firefox is working fine with hardware acceleration.
in chrome dev tools it says hardware decode=false while watching utube video…so it is not working… chrome about:gpu section says hardwaredecoding is enabled
As per: How to Turn Hardware Acceleration On and Off in Chrome
If you’re looking to enable—or re-enable—hardware acceleration, head back to
and toggle “Use hardware acceleration when available” setting to the “On” position. Then, click “Relaunch” to apply the change.
Just checked in Chromium, and the option is there:
Everything is enabled…
Firefox is working properly though. I think I am going to remove chrome & use only firefox.
and either of these flags:
since enabling Vulkan has not worked remove “vulkan” from “–enable-features=” list and use
This worked for me. Thank you.
Yes… this worked
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