Cant set system wide proxy settings in xfce


This a screenshot of my phone
You can see the Everyproxy app and on my status bar both the VPN connected and hotspot icons

This is how I have to use the internet

no need to screem (all CAPS)
I can’t help you.

have you tried removing/deactivating that strange app

it is not itself a vpn !

it just promises you to somehow help you with when you are using a vpn

Apologies about all caps

I know it’s, not a VPN and it’s not malware. It helps me share my VPNs internet with my laptop. It’s fine if you don’t understand how it works or what it’s used for. Its not something ou would ever need based on where you live but for third world or poorer countries. Its actually quite commonly used where I come from.

I now see - I hadn’t noticed
because the connection still worked when connecting through my phone - just not utilizing the vpn connection, but going around it.

It’s not a critical use case for me.
It may be for you.

as I said:

use the phones connection
but also:
use the/a vpn on your computer
(easiest is probably to use the same vpn provider as the one you use on your phone)
if you rely on having a vpn connection so much

If you set up the vpn on your pc/laptop
and then use the phones internet connection
it will go through the vpn as intended

I just checked!

don’t bother with every proxy - if you do not know how to connect to it

Just use a vpn on your computer - it’ll use the phone provided connection
any other connection as well
but go through the vpn

not the one on your phone
but the one you set up on your computer …

as a side effect, you’ll be able to connect through any hotspot or wifi or other …
you’ll be using the vpn you set up - on your computer
not on your phone


I already mentioned earlier that the vpn app in particular is not available on PC only android

yeah - the app is only android - but the vpn as such …
oh well
I’ll let you be. :wink:

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