Can't mount external drives after updating kernel

Hello there,
I was mounting my external drives normally with this code

UUID=01D6D6DDA6146800 /mnt/Data ntfs defaults 0 0 

Then, I had an advice to change it to this one

UUID=01D6D6DDA6146800   /mnt/Data    ntfs-3g  auto,nofail,uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,umask=022,defaults        0       0 

In both, it was working perfectly.
Today, I updated the kernel to version Linux 6.8.3-1, and I noticed that my mounted external drives can’t be read and giving me this error

An error occurred while accessing 'Data', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda1: Unknown error when mounting /mnt/Data

So, I tried switching back to the first code of fstab, but it keeps bringing me to emergency screen on boot. And I can’t get into my desktop.

How can I fix this, please?
Any help is appreciated.

Update: I changed ntfs to ntfs3, and it works for on drive, but the other still brining me to the same emergency screen.

I can’t make any useful suggestions about fixing the mount, but if you add “noauto” to the relevant fstab lines, you should be able to boot successfully so you can debug it.

Once you’re booted you may get some useful diagnostics from
findmnt --verify

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Thanks for replaying. I actually added # to the front of fstab lines to get into the system. This is the result.

[minaw@mina-manjaro ~]$ findmnt --verify
   [W] cannot detect on-disk filesystem type (Permission denied)
   [W] cannot detect on-disk filesystem type (Permission denied)
   [W] cannot detect on-disk filesystem type (Permission denied)
   [W] non-bind mount source /swapfile is a directory or regular file
   [W] cannot detect on-disk filesystem type (Permission denied)

0 parse errors, 0 errors, 5 warnings

The permission denied message suggests to me that perhaps you need to sudo the command.

I assume you’ve un-commented the lines before trying?

Another possibility might be to try to manually mount the filesystems from the command line. You may get some useful info from that.

Same issue here. The FUSE driver ntfs-3g is broken on kernel 6.8. The new ntfs3 driver works but it is unusable for me - it’s slow and not stable.

Here you are

[minaw@mina-manjaro ~]$ sudo findmnt --verify
[sudo] password for minaw: 
   [W] ntfs3 does not match with on-disk ntfs
   [W] non-bind mount source /swapfile is a directory or regular file

0 parse errors, 0 errors, 2 warnings

I don’t get it. Do you mean deleting the #?

That’s deferring from fstab?

The ntfs3 not working with both of the drives. It only works with one.
So, what can be the solution? Rolling back to LTS kernel I was on? Or rolling back to ntfs-3g?

Yes, that’s called un-commenting, because the # denotes a comment (which also has the effect of making the line not do anything.

I’m not sure what you mean by “deferring”, but if you just do
mount /mount/path
it will try to mount using the fstab parameters.

Looks like the fstab line doesn’t match with the filesystem. But as I know nothing of NTFS, I’ll make no more guesses as they won’t be useful.

Okay, thanks for this info.

Sorry, I mean differs from.
Can you please give me an example on this mount? With a real code, I have to do.

No problem. I make plenty of mistakes too.

Assuming you’re trying to check /mnt/Data (which appears in your errors above), do
sudo mount /mnt/Data

Though my suspicion is that you’ll get similar errors to what findmnt gave you.

Should I add the drive name like /dev/sda1? As the /Data is not a real name.

All you need is the mountpoint. No need to specify the filesystem as that will be picked up from /etc/fstab.

I am so sorry, I don’t get it. It’ll be very kind if you give me some detailed steps of what I do, as I am not perfect in the command line options.

The mountpoint is the name of the directory where the filesystem should be mounted. So it will be the second field in the relevant line in /etc/fstab.

So taking an example from my own fstab file:
/dev/mapper/backups-var--tmp /var/tmp ext4 defaults,x-gvfs-hide,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,commit=300 0 2
the mountpoint is /var/tmp.

So you’d mount it from the command line with
sudo mount /var/tmp

So replace /var/tmp with the correct path from your own system.

Okay, so I keep the fstab with un-commenting the lines and run the command lines sudo mount /mnt/Data and sudo mount /mnt/Fun, right?



[minaw@mina-manjaro ~]$ sudo mount /mnt/Fun
[sudo] password for minaw: 
mount: /mnt/Fun: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: (hint) your fstab has been modified, but systemd still uses
       the old version; use 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload.


Everything you need to understand the problem, and correct it, can be found in the following article; all that is required from you is to read and understand it:


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Thank you so much for replaying.
I read it and have some questions if you don’t mind.

As I understood from reading and from my last error message, ntfs3 is mounting one drive and refusing the other. Is that meaning the other one is dirty? Does it need chkdsk?
It was working perfectly with ntfs-3g, but after the last kernel update, it doesn’t work. I think the ntfs-3g is not supported.

Second, do you recommend I should roll back to lts version of the kernel? Can that be a solution? Or that’ll be a temporary one?

Thanks in advance.