Forum rules
As a matter of principle, do not ask for homework answers, nor post answers to such requests. Homework assignments are designed to encourage a student to learn by their own personal research. Topics deemed to be about homework will be closed.
– Forum Rules - Manjaro
The following will therefore not be the answer you are looking for but merely pointing you to further reading.
Windows vs Linux
MySql and by inheritance MariaDB was created for Linux - likely on Linux as well. Telling you to use Windows, and you would have no problems for the task at hand - is ignorance at best - stupidity at worst.
You may quote me.
MySQL vs. MariaDB
MySql Workbench is a tool which does nothing on it’s own. You must first define a connection - then you need to connect to the server using the connection you defined and will connect to MariaDB instances as well.
MySql is not in Manjaro or Arch repo - and thus unsupported - instead MariaDB is offered.
MariaDB is a reliable, high performance and full-featured database server which aims to be an ‘always Free, backward compatible, drop-in’ replacement of MySQL. Since 2013 MariaDB is Arch Linux’s default implementation of MySQL.[1]
– MariaDB - ArchWiki
For installing, and setting up a MariaDB instance - consult the following topic
MariaDB maintains a comprehensive knowledgebase - it is highly recommended resource on MySQL transaction language.