I have the issue that “sudo df -h” lists a size of my /home partition of 326G, with 271G used but 0 available. The usage is listed with 100% and all apps are also complaining about 0 Bytes left on the disk.
But obviously this should not be the case. It also seems like there is a point where the space just jumps from about 30G free to 0 more or less instantly (I think previously I have been able to get 30G free again by removing some small files or restarting the system). I now removed some stuff so it now seems to be at least 50G unused but it didn’t help to get this space listed as free this time (so e.g. thunar is still complaining about 0 Bytes free).
I already restarted the PC but this also didn’t help (so I assume no hanging space reservations by some faulty application?)
Do you have any suggestions what I could try? With tools like baobab or ncdu (run as root) I didn’t find any big files taking up that space (and as the numbers of df imply, the space should not be in use).
Ah… again it fixed itself (while writing this post) with now listing 56G as free and 83% usage.
Do you have any idea what could cause this issue?
Mount options for the partition:
btrfs defaults,noatime,space_cache,ssd,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 2
which result (mount command) in rw,noatime,compress=zstd:3,ssd,discard=async,space_cache,commit=120,subvolid=5,subvol=/
And… it’s gone again - 0 Bytes free (seems to have happened instantaneously again while I updated this answer with the mount options) but still only 271G of 326G in use.