From the next section in Arch wiki I found that I need to update some files after decryption (and possibly regenerate initramfs by mkinitcpio -P command)
So I tried chrooting into the decrypted partition, but on mounting the root I don’t see the complete root partition…
This is what ls gives after mounting the disk partition.
please do not post screenshots - it is very easy to just copy/paste the terminal output
(and would even make it easy for me to just give ready to use commands to help you
but no one will type the UUID off of your screenshot, for example …)
For one thing, you need to comment out that one line in /etc/fstab
and put another in with the correct UUID.
But I will not be able to help you with that - your root partition seems to be BTRFS
and I have zero knowledge and zero experience with that
and wouldn’t know how that entry would have to look like.
Or is your system root on /dev/sda2 (which is an ext4 partition) ?
It is labelled as “backup”.
I finally found the solution after an entire day of troubleshooting, scouring the internet and countless forums.
Apparently somehow my @ subvolume got corrupted and that’s why there was no /etc folder when I chrooted into my system.
To solve this issue, I restored the @ root subvolume from an earlier btrfs snapshot following this guide: [HowTo] Manual rollback with btrfs
Now, on to the main issue of this post.
For anyone removing luks disk encryption using: cryptsetup reencrypt --decrypt *device_path*
(Removing system encryption - ArchWiki)
You need to update the following to successfuly boot into your system after removing luks disk encryption:
chroot into your system using a live USB.
Delete /etc/crypttab file. Its no longer required.
Edit /etc/fstab and replace the luks entries for /, /home etc with UUID=... (Find the correct UUID of your root partition using lsblk -f command)
Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and remove encrypt from HOOKS=(...), and also comment the FILE=... linking to the crypt lock file. Then regenerate initramfs using mkinitcpio -P command.
Edit /etc/default/grub and remove the luks uuid entry from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="..."
reinstall grub:
1. grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=manjaro --recheck
2. grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
The above two commands are for efi systems. You can follow this guide for specific details suiting your system. (GRUB/Restore the GRUB Bootloader - Manjaro)
Exit chroot & reboot.
That’s all. Now you can boot into your old system without encryption!