Black screen of death after update - 515-rt & nvidia drivers

for return in Stable

sudo sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch stable 
sudo pacman-mirrors -c all
sudo pacman -Syyuu

Yeah that is why I have the older 5.4 LTS kernel but I wanted to figure out what happened. :slight_smile:

I could use 5.15 and it probs would work fine.

Something isn’t right.

I think the problem is that your driver is version 510, and it just works with kernel version 5.16, not with the previous LTS kernel.

This is odd, from your previous inxi, it displayed that the kernel installed was 495, but from your nvidia-settings, it’s 510.

I guess this also explains the previous journalctl error when the NVIDIA driver 510 failed to initialize; it’s not supported by the LTS kernel.

Already switched back to stable earlier :slightly_smiling_face:

no it boots on high version kernel 515-rt series after update,
removing 515-rt go back to 5.10 LTS that works on next boot

Is this report similar with the driver having a RT kernel?

Btw very grateful for the community’s help and I hope I also helped squash some bugs with you guys :grin:

A post was split to a new topic: Kernel 5.15 and Nvidia - causing black screen

Yes it seems actually you were innocent in your issues, the kernel 5.15RT had problems that are now fixed.

Yeah tho I never was using RT kernel and have no idea why it installed it

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