[ARM Unstable Update] 2025-01-24 - Plasma, Gnome, Pamac, Firefox, Thunderbird


Thanks to the Manjaro ARM devs for the second ARM 2025 update.

It’s time for you to update your ARM device(s) running Manjaro ARM, whatever your ARM device(s) or desktop environment.

Find the packages version with the Branch Compare Page


Download the official Manjaro ARM images on the Manjaro website


Build your own Manjaro ARM images, read this wiki post


To add or remove some packages modify this file (choose your desktop environment here)

Find the build image here

You’re welcome to post, feedback from users is a part of software development

Enjoy !

@tartanpion I agree with you, We need an official thread.

Odroid C4 kde after the update.

More devices, details as soon as possible, stay tune.

Find below the devices details :

Odroid C2
Update → OK
Build image → OK
Flash Image on emmc module → OK
Test Flashed Image on C2 device → OK

C2 Device Details :

Operating System: Manjaro ARM Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.10.0
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Kernel Version: 6.4.3-1-MANJARO-ARM-ODROID (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 4 x ARM Cortex-A53
Memory: 1,9 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mali450
Product Name: Hardkernel ODROID-C2

Odroid N2
Update → OK
Build image → OK
Flash Image on emmc module → OK
Test Flashed Image on N2 device → OK

N2 Device Details :

Operating System: Manjaro ARM Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.10.0
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Kernel Version: 6.9.3-3-MANJARO-ARM (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 2 x ARM Cortex-A53, 4 x ARM Cortex-A73
Memory: 3,6 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mali-G52
Product Name: Hardkernel ODROID-N2

Odroid C4
Update → OK
Build image → OK
Flash Image on emmc module → Not tested for the moment
Test Flashed Image on C4 device → Not tested for the moment

C4 Device Details :

Operating System: Manjaro ARM Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.10.0
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Kernel Version: 6.9.3-3-MANJARO-ARM (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 4 x ARM Cortex-A55
Memory: 3,6 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mali-G31
Product Name: Hardkernel ODROID-C4

Odroid M1
Update → OK
Build image → OK
Flash Image on emmc module → OK
Test Flashed Image on M1 device → OK

M1 Device Details :

Operating System: Manjaro ARM Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.10.0
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Kernel Version: 6.9.3-3-MANJARO-ARM (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Processors: 4 × ARM Cortex-A55
Memory: 7,3 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mali-G52 r1
Product Name: Hardkernel ODROID-M1

Find below some update details :

+ Desktop environment KDE Plasma for all my devices, operating system install on emmc module for the 4 devices, my Odroid m1 is running on emmc module but is running well on ssd disc or m2 disc too.
+ 4 devices successfully update and reboot, so far no issue, ftp, vnc, samba…
+ Plasma 6.2.5 is now available, nice :slight_smile:
+ Some bugs are now solve with plasma 6.2.5 ( Disks & Devices in the taskbar System Tray…)
- No kernel update include with this update.


Thank you :100: :+1:

A community thread is are great step… and the members with the necessary knowledge and engagement within ARM is limited - so a community thread will have to do.

@Darksky is doing a great job maintaining the Raspberry Pi part of Manjaro ARM so what you @nl.smart are doing by providing the status for devices you operate is invaluable.

It also shows if there is community members willing to put in the necessary work to maintain the various ARM devices - as each branch requires a separate maintainer, because - while it is ARM - each vendor has their own ideas and there is no standards.

I remember reading a comment in a thread on raspberry pi forum - someone asked about Manjaro on raspberry pi using EFI - yes, if I recall correct, the then lead maintainer @Strit worked on using EFI boot - and that was not taken lightly by upstream Raspberry PI - the words was we don’t support EFI.


GT King Pro Gnome Edition and Orange Pi 5 Plus KDE Edition upgraded successfully. Both works as expected after the large system update.

Thank you.

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@nl.smart It seems we have fans here of groundhog day or back to the future :disguised_face:

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I built an LXQt image for the Odroid M1, no issue during the build process.
I flashed the image on a NVMe disc, the image boot :slight_smile:

Issue, at boot a login and password are required to go forward with the LXQt install…

So far I found no solution, thanks for your help.

@Yochanan close the topic below

[ARM Unstable Update] 2025-01-10 - Odroid Devices Report - #10 by tartanpion

Done. I restored this topic, by the way.

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Thanks for restoring this post (which promote the Manjaro ARM work and progress), unfortunately it will be delete in 6 days.

lxqt-panet disappear, sleep&wake or screen off.
they fixed until next version, or you need rebuiild from git.

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Not anymore. :wink:


Pamac update on ARM, nice :slight_smile:

[nls@c4 ~]$ date -u
lun. 27 janv. 2025 03:01:18 UTC
[nls@c4 ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for nls: 
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core                                                      266,6 KiB  1111 KiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
 extra                                                       9,6 MiB  23,5 MiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) libpamac-11.7.2-1  libpamac-flatpak-plugin-11.7.2-1  pamac-cli-11.7.3-1

Total Download Size:   0,96 MiB
Total Installed Size:  4,56 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0,00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 libpamac-flatpak-plugin-11.7.2-1-aarch64                   32,2 KiB   358 KiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
 libpamac-11.7.2-1-aarch64                                 866,3 KiB  5,64 MiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
 pamac-cli-11.7.3-1-aarch64                                 83,5 KiB   557 KiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
 Total (3/3)                                               982,1 KiB  4,80 MiB/s 00:00 [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) checking keys in keyring                                                         [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) checking package integrity                                                       [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) loading package files                                                            [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) checking for file conflicts                                                      [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) checking available disk space                                                    [##################################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/3) upgrading libpamac                                                               [##################################################] 100%
(2/3) upgrading libpamac-flatpak-plugin                                                [##################################################] 100%
(3/3) upgrading pamac-cli                                                              [##################################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/5) Reloading system manager configuration...
(2/5) Restarting marked services...
(3/5) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(4/5) Updating the MIME type database...
(5/5) Reloading system bus configuration...
[nls@c4 ~]$ exit

It seems that apple support was removed from kodi (libplist shairplay).
I no longer use kodi because HDR to SDR tonemapping is not implemented.

No one reported to do

pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.12/

and rebuild or report broken python package

P7zip is replaced by 7zip (not backported from arch x64)
file-roller and engrampa need change too (Optional Deps P7zip)

If you use gtk4 and a Pi you need to change (vulkan by default) /etc/environment


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Good find. Here is 7zip-24.09-3-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst. We do not maintain any of those packages so a little leary of adding them to our overlays as it it will just be a matter of time before they figure out things need to be changed. It looks to me the 7z commands in the 2 7z packages are the same and the GUI packages should be ok for now as the 7zip PKGBUILD has these lines:


The provides=(‘p7zip’) will let the GUI’s think p7zip is installed. It may be if you all ready had p7zip installed like me all might be ok with out installing this package.


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For gnome localsearch is completely broken after nautilus update (100% cpu usage ever and ever)

sudo systemctl --global mask localsearch-3.service localsearch-control-3.service localsearch-writeback-3.service

Catfish is a good alternative

I wonder if anyone does any more. I don’t use it either. I may stop building the kodi-rpi packages if no one minds.


Thanks to @Darksky for his help to update the manjaro-arm-tools

Unfortunately the last build images I built today have issue, the manjaro arm installer don’t start at first boot with the arm device, instead, I find a short cut in the application launcher

What is the password ?


@linux-aarhus @Yochanan
Is the solution to restore the manjaro arm installer at first boot ?

I updated to unstable on my Pinephone and now Chatty doesn’t work so i can’t send or receive SMS anymore.

Launched from terminal gives these log:

“chatty: symbol lookup error: chatty: undefined symbol: _ZNK4i18n12phonenumbers15PhoneNumberUtil25IsPossibleNumberForStringESt17basic_string_viewIcSt11char_traitsIcEERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcS4_SaIcEEE”

I guess Chatty needs a recompilation?

Who? What? Where? Sorry, I’m just a lowly packager, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

:white_check_mark: 0.8.5-4.0


Calamares did not start as it needed a rebuild because of the latest python update. At first boot it gets run in a special envelope so you will not be able to run it like you did above also.

[ray@jellyfin ~]$ sudo -E calamares
calamares: error while loading shared libraries: libpython3.12.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I rebuilt calamres and uploaded it to unstable. Check for your mirrors to sync for calamares-3.3.6-6 so the manjaro-arm-installer can download the new package version it can install in the image.


Thanks a lot, you solved the issue.
The Images I built this afternoon are working well.
Enjoy !

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I don’t think we should give up on Kodi, it’s an important piece of software. First of all, even in software mode, it is now capable of decoding light 4k hevc files, admittedly at 90_100% of cpu but with correct tonemapping.
The only problem is the limitations of hardware tonemapping and the need to switch to TTY for acceleration. And apparently they’re trying to mainline the support in ffmpeg so who can say what the future holds or with a pi6. Meanwhile the package is buggy because of apple dependencies.
Why not stop building this package and simply import the one from arch.
Only problem i think is :

linux-rpi (optional) - HW accelerated decoding

Simply rename the linux-rpi4 kernel to linux-rpi, specifying in the description that it’s the kernel with a 4k page size compatible with all raspberry devices. Possibly add in config something like that

#The Raspberry Pi 5 firmware defaults to loading kernel_2712.img because this image contains optimisations specific to Raspberry Pi 5 (e.g. 16K page-size).
# If you want to force a 4k kernel, after installing it, uncomment the line