[ARM Testing Update] 2024-11-08 - Kernels, Plasma, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pamac, Pacman 7.0


Is it normal that Manjaro ARM Kernel still on 6.9?

And plan to future upgrade of it?

Wish You well

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I have been the only active DEV for a while and I know of no plans for any additional ones. I keep each raspberry pi device kernel’s up to date with the latest. I have no other devices other than the RPi devices to test with and if I did my health would not permit me to maintain them. I am at my limit with my workload as it is.

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Thanks for your answer, for your work && contribution.

@spikerguy have the solution to update the kernel ?

Is it possible for a no dev to build the last kernel for ARM ?

For the time being I have been running Manjaro-Arm for GT King Pro (Amlogic Soc) with “linux-aarch64-7ji” and Manjaro-Opi5Plus (RK3588) with “linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp6.1-joshua-git” both kernels from Release aarch64 · 7Ji/archrepo · GitHub.

Kernel linux-aarch64-7Ji is currently 6.12.8 and it should work with Amlogic and Rockchip Socs.

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Thanks for your answer and the tip.