Is it normal that Manjaro ARM Kernel still on 6.9?
And plan to future upgrade of it?
Wish You well
Is it normal that Manjaro ARM Kernel still on 6.9?
And plan to future upgrade of it?
Wish You well
I have been the only active DEV for a while and I know of no plans for any additional ones. I keep each raspberry pi device kernel’s up to date with the latest. I have no other devices other than the RPi devices to test with and if I did my health would not permit me to maintain them. I am at my limit with my workload as it is.
Thanks for your answer, for your work && contribution.
@spikerguy have the solution to update the kernel ?
Is it possible for a no dev to build the last kernel for ARM ?
For the time being I have been running Manjaro-Arm for GT King Pro (Amlogic Soc) with “linux-aarch64-7ji” and Manjaro-Opi5Plus (RK3588) with “linux-aarch64-rockchip-bsp6.1-joshua-git” both kernels from Release aarch64 · 7Ji/archrepo · GitHub.
Kernel linux-aarch64-7Ji is currently 6.12.8 and it should work with Amlogic and Rockchip Socs.
Thanks for your answer and the tip.