[ARM Testing Update] 2024-11-08 - Kernels, Plasma, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pamac, Pacman 7.0

Hello ARM community.

here is another update. This time of 1.186 packages to our testing branch. It is recommended to check the troubleshoots from x86-64 and tips and tricks people gave there.

To been able to push packages further to stable branch we need more maintainers and testers for Manjaro ARM. So if you own ARM SBCs or devices like Pine64 Pinebooks or Phones you can contact us. Only together we can ensure that the set of packages is stable enough for wider usage.

Update Announcement

Some highlights:

  • Kernels
    • note: we dropped Apple Silicon support for now
  • pacman 7.0
  • pamac 11.7.0
    • including updates to libpamac and pamac-cli
  • Plasma 6.2.3
  • Bluez 5.79
  • Firefox 132.0.1
  • Gstreamer 1.24.9
  • LibreOffice 24.2.7
  • Thunderbird 128.4.0
  • Mesa 24.2.6

Tips And Tricks

Error about missing openssl 1.1 library

Since the update to the new OpenSSL 3.0, some applications might still be looking for version 1.1 og openssl.
Fortunately Arch Linux created a compatability package for such events called openssl-1.1.
So if you encounter any such errors, please install the above mentioned package.
Applications currently known to specifically look for 1.1 is silver. We have not been able to rebuild it yet. So if you are on our Gnome or Sway editions, please install openssl-1.1 as part of this update.

How to get Waydroid working

If you follow these steps, you should have Waydroid working fine.

Remember, Waydroid only works on wayland!

  • Install waydroid-image and all it’s dependencies.
  • Run pkexec setup-waydroid.
  • You should now be able to launch Waydroid. The first launch takes a while.
How to use Kodi RPI on Manjaro ARM

If anyone wants to test kodi on the rpi, install these packages:

sudo pacman -S kodi-rpi kodi-rpi-dev kodi-rpi-eventclients kodi-rpi-tools-texturepacker libcec-rpi linux-rpi4 xf86-video-fbdev

Have it set up is to boot straight in to kodi

This means the kodi.service file need to replace whatever login manager you have installled. In my case I would:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm.service
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service

They recommend removing custom configs in config.txt. We ran into an issue if a value was set with gpu_mem=.

My config.txt with a bit of overclocking:

#gpu_mem=64     #disable this
initramfs initramfs-linux.img followkernel

#enable sound

#enable vc4
#max_framebuffers=2    #disable cause kodi uses more

Some notes:

The default user will be kodi
kodi home directory will be /var/lib/kodi
So put test video in /var/lib/kodi/Videos so you can get to it
after setting up the video directory in kodi.

Upstream Notifications:

Older notifications

The PHP package has been updated to 8.2. If you still need 8.1, use php-legacy packages.
Arch Linux - News: PHP 8.2 update and introduction of legacy branch

If you used the Manjaro ARM Installer or is using PinePhone or PineTab, you need to redo your passwords, because of an update to libxcrypt:
Arch Linux - News: Sorting out old password hashes

The ghostpcl and ghostxps requires manual intervention (if you have these installed):
Arch Linux - News: ghostpcl>=9.53.2-2 and ghostxps>=9.53.2-2 updates require manual intervention

The nss package requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: nss>=3.51.1-1 and lib32-nss>=3.51.1-1 updates require manual intervention

The packages hplip and firewalld requires manual intervention:
Arch Linux - News: hplip 3.20.3-2 update requires manual intervention
Arch Linux - News: firewalld>=0.8.1-2 update requires manual intervention

Package Changes (Fri Nov 8 04:42:18 CET 2024)

  • arm-testing core aarch64: 40 new and 45 removed package(s)
  • arm-testing extra aarch64: 1168 new and 1141 removed package(s)

A detailed list of packages can be found here.

Testers needed on arm-testing branch

We are in need of testers for our arm-testing and arm-unstable branches.
So if you are adventurous and want newer software quicker, we would love for you to help us test out the new packages in arm-testing branch.

All you have to do to switch to this branch is:

  • Run this command to switch branch: sudo pacman-mirrors -aS testing && sudo pacman -Syyu. This will generate a new mirrorlist for you, sync your databases with the new mirror and update your system using the arm-testing branch.

We would then love for you to give feedback in our update posts in Testing Updates. That way we can better find and fix bugs, before they hit arm-stable branch. Thank you!

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself. (Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)
0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Manjaro, like many other open-source projects, relies on the generosity of its community through donations and corporate sponsorships to support its growth and development. These donations are essential in covering the various expenses incurred in the operations of the project such as server costs, software development tools, infrastructure expenses, training, flying people to events or conferences and the salaries of key developers. With the help of these donations, Manjaro is able to secure the necessary financial stability that allows the project to continuously improve and remain active. If you love Manjaro, consider to donate!


Known Issues and Solutions

This is a wiki post, please edit it when you find a solution to an issue you encountered

:arrow_right: 2024-04-24

Calendar does not launch
  • If you have gnome-calendar-mobile installed, please run the following to replace it:
    • sudo pacamn -S gnome-calendar
Pinephone Pro: Phosh: App windows not rendered correctly
  • Problem: After updating gtk4 from 1:4.12.5-1 to 1:4.14.3-1, if you open an app (like settings), then go to a submenu (i.e. Mobile Network → Acess Point Names), somewhere during that process you will get either a black screen, or partially rendered windows, making the interface unusable.
  • Workaround: set the default renderer to OpenGL with the following, followed by a reboot:
echo "export GSK_RENDERER=gl"|sudo tee /etc/profile.d/gsk-renderer-gl.sh
Chatty >=0.8.2 No message notification if contact list is empty
  • Problem: Notifications are not generated on PinephonePro (bisected, issue reported upstream)
  • Workaround: make sure there is at least one contact in your contacts list, or downgrade to 0.8.1


Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

2024-01-09 - Jan Alexander Steffens

We are making dbus-broker our default implementation of D-Bus, for improved performance, reliability and integration with systemd.

For the foreseeable future we will still support the use of dbus-daemon, the previous implementation. Pacman will ask you whether to install dbus-broker-units or dbus-daemon-units. We recommend picking the default.

For a more detailed rationale, please see our RFC 25.

– Arch Linux - News: Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

In some cases, however it is better to keep the legacy way. Here are some examples: Dbus-broker warnings

Firefox no longer honors gtk font size settings in user interface. Solved by setting about:config browser.display.os-zoom-behavior to 0 (zero)


Pinephone Pro: Phosh: volume constantly changes
  • Problem: PKGBUILD for uboot-pinephonepro introduced a number of regressions, the most noticeable of which is constant volume changes. Issue reported here.


Changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention

2023-11-02 - Frederik Schwan

We are introducing a change in JDK/JRE packages of our distro. This is triggered from the way a JRE is build in modern versions of Java (>9). We are introducing this change in Java 21.

To sum it up instead of having JDK and JRE packages coexist in the same system we will be making them conflict. The JDK variant package includes the runtime environment to execute Java applications so if one needs compilation and runtime of Java they need only the JDK package in the future. If, on the other hand, they need just runtime of Java then JRE (or jre-headless) will work.

This will (potentially) require a manual user action during upgrade:

  • If you have both JDK and JRE installed you can manually install the JDK with pacman -Sy jdk-openjdk && pacman -Su and this removes the JRE related packages.
  • If you have both JRE and JRE-headless you will need to choose one of them and install it manually since they would conflict each other now.
  • If you only have one of the JDK/JRE/JRE-headless pacman should resolve dependencies normally and no action is needed.

At the moment this is only valid for the upcoming JDK 21 release.

– Arch Linux - News: Incoming changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention


Display doesn't load on PinePhone Pro running KDE Plasma
  • Problem: Failed to start Simple Desktop Display Manager
  • Workaround: (none known yet)


Docker 23 not starting

Since the update to Docker 23, upstream is now inforcing new paths for apparmor related stuff. But there has been changes to dependencies yet. So Docker 23 will error on start.
Fix: Install apparmor from the repositories.


Reduced video playback performance in mpv

There has been reports of video playback performance in mpv has regressed since an update to mpv.
Fix: MPV now needs a vd-lavc-dr=no parameter to play hw acceleration supported 1080p videos smoothly.

Touch input on Firefox with Phosh not working in Firefox 108

Since the update to Firefox 108, the touch input does not work. Seems to be an issue with a couple of the changes the mobile-config brings in.
Fix Fixed in version 4.0.0-1 of mobile-config-firefox released with Manjaro testing on April 14, 2023


OpenSSL 1.1 library not found

Some applications might still be looking for openssl 1.1.
Solution: Install openssl-1.1 package with sudo pacman -S openssl-1.1.


Plasma Mobile Dialer seems to be unreliable

Plasma Dialer 22.09 seems to have issues switching audio profiles and as such might require manual switching. Sometimes audio is completely missing.

Reduced video performance on youtube

Some may encounter reduced video playback performance on YouTube in Firefox with the new Mesa 22.2 drivers.
No workaround at this time.

Old Issues

Phosh crashes when closing apps
An upstream issue results in the Phosh shell to crash when you close the app in the app switcher, with animations turned off.
Fix: Enable animations in Tweaks application

Mouse cursor is slow on Raspberry Pi
Due to a change in the Raspberry Pi kernels upstream, they no longer support FKMS. This can result in slow performance when using the FKMS drivers with the newer Raspberry Pi kernels.
Solution: Open /boot/config.txt, change fkms to kms in the dtoverlay line. Save the file and reboot.

[Waydroid container cannot access internet
Cause: new default waydroid configuration issue, tracked here.

Short-term Solution:

  1. create /etc/nftables.d/waydroid.nft with the following contents:
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow incoming network traffic from WayDroid"
    chain forward {
        iifname "waydroid0" accept comment "Allow outgoing network traffic from WayDroid"
        ct state {established, related} counter accept comment "accept established connections"
  1. any time you launch waydroid, run the following after it has started:
echo "ip route add default via" |sudo waydroid shell

Previous testing threads:

Looks good so far (KDE on RPi 4, using Wayland).

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I am running Manjaro Sway. I was on May release in testing branch.
After update on PineBook Pro Wifi is not working. After downgrading wpa_supplicant, it works again.
Qutebrowser exits with segfault and coredump.
Telegram desktop exits with segfault and coredump.
Owncloud client exits with segfault and coredump.
Firefox is working, WPS office is working. I haven’t tested anything else.


I’m running KDE on RPI 5, using Wayland.

Looks good, no mouse flickering, which was a problem I was having with the DEV versions from github.

I had one problem with chromium. Webgl aquarium gave an error message, and only worked if I cancelled hardware acceleration, which made the fish swim very very slowly (around 2fps).

I found a solution, which is to run chromium with the argument


This solves the problem (I don’t know why. I just found this solution after many searches).

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Gnome on rk3566 rockchip is working as expected but in some gnome apps like nautilus or settings the icons or text of the interface is hidden (does not show) and they appear as the mouse pointer is over the icon (text remains hidden).

On a Raspberry Pi 5, if you open Kodi within the dektop environment, it can not render videos but audio works fine. To get proper video playback, you need to switch to a new TTY (ctrl+alt+f3 for example) and type “kodi” to start it. Then everything plays just fine. In order to return to desktop, you can just use “ctrl+alt+f2” or whatever f key is your desktop.

Had similar issue with Gnome 46 and Gnome 47 on GT King Pro (with GPU G52). In my case it was resolved with:

Insert GSK_RENDERER=gl into /etc/environment and reboot.

Found a reference reference to new GTK development.


If you are using GTK on very old hardware, you may be better off with the old GL renderer, since it makes fewer demands on the GPU. You can override the renderer selection using the GSK_RENDERER environment variable:


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Patch applied and working. Many thanks.

I am worried anyway with “If you are using GTK on very old hardware”.This is not old hardware, rockchip has a new rk3576 chip based in G52. Surely this is because rk3588 does not get support in a long time. Panfrost should by now have opengl 3.2 but is not there.

Don´t get me wrong … linux should be a hardly supported operative system with ten times more money and healthy developers but something must be wrong in our socie …arrrrgh.

Sorry. Long life to Linux!

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Whoever wrote that paragraph was probably thinking only about x86 hardware, where it is probably true that hardware that needs the old gl backend is “very old hardware”. On ARM, it is false.

Opi5-Plus (RK3588) does not need this workaround as far as I know.

This is what i needed. Thanks.

I’m running KDE on RPI 5, using Wayland.

I have an issue which only occurs when using 2 screens. (It does not happen when I only use one screen and appears only with KDE - I tried with xfce and could not reproduce it).

The screen freezes as I move the cursor slowly from the right to the left screen just before it gets to left edge of the right screen, particularly when I click the mouse. This does not happen all the time, but I can usually reproduce within a minute or so. The following appears in the log:

Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000014
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: Mem abort info:
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: ESR = 0x0000000096000004
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: SET = 0, FnV = 0
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: EA = 0, S1PTW = 0
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: Data abort info:
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004, ISS2 = 0x00000000
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: user pgtable: 16k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000104f58890
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: [0000000000000014] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000
Nov 13 13:02:10 jonshome kernel: Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP

The journal entries continue after this, but the screen is frozen and I am not able to free it up.
This also occurs with the “Dev 20241014” KDE image before I switch to the testing branch.

Even when the freeze does not happen, there is an unusual occurence which I don’t see in other systems. As I move the cursor towards the left edge of the right screen, the cursor does not move smoothly across to the left screen, but “sticks” for a short while on the right screen before jumping to the left screen. Maybe this is related to the problem.

Might be a pi5 16k page issue with the software. Try booting with the kernel8.img and see if the problem goes away.

Add in config.txt:


Make sure you also have the linux-rpi4 kernel package installed.

Thank you for the quick reply.

Unfortunately, that didn’t solve it.

Another piece of information. On the login screen, the cursor moves smoothly between the screens. It’s only once the login is completed that the cursor “pauses” when moving between the screens.

It is just a hunch but, can you try modifying the settings in here. Preferably, try disabling the corner actions altogether and see if it still happens:

I tried playing with “screen edges”. Disabling corner actions did not resolve the issue. Interestingly, reducing “edge barrier” to 0px got rid of the cursor “pausing” when moving between the screens, but it did not resolve the screen freeze issue.

However, I read your post Problem with installing Manjaro Arm on Raspberry Pi5 - #14 by Sam_Fisher and tried using X11 instead of Wayland. And that solved the problem. Thank you very much. :+1:

I can confirm your comments about Chromium’s performance. “Webgl aquarium” has the fish swimming at around 20fps under Wayland and 55-60fps under X11.

Interestingly there are similar differences with KDE running on RPI OS. However there is a problem with flickering screens when running with two screens with X11 with RPI OS.

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KSystemStats crashes constantly on KDE Plasma 6.2.3 on the Pinebook Pro when using anything that reads CPU Performance or RAM usage. I was using widgets that display the current CPU Performance and the RAM usage and KSystemStats would just constantly crash as soon as I start Plasma. Sometimes even the entire shell would crash. But removing the widgets and not using Systemmonitor resolves the issue.

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Has anyone had issues with this Firefox update on testing so far?

I’m asking because Mozilla urges an update until March 14, 2025, because an important root certificate is about to expire that’s used within the browser infrastructure. Firefox 123 in the ARM stable branch would become affected by this: All add ons will be disabled. Warnings for new scam and phishing sites and compromised SSL certificates wouldn’t appear etc.

Since I haven’t seen any issues about this testing branch update of Firefox on the forum so far I hope there are no major blockers that prevent the update from being rolled out to the stable branch until March.

Hi, I daily drive my PineBook Pro (currently on Manjaro ARM stable; I work on an NVMe, so I could keep some test image on eMMC) and own a PinePhone Pro (not main device but use daily, on Sailfish OS). I have sadly a very time consuming daily job (research in virus sequencing w;inter is our peak activity) but could on occasions do some light testing (e.g. booting on uSD cards or PBP’s eMMC; I run rk2aw on both so I can even test uboot builds off uSD cards) if it’s not time critical (cannot answer within the hour).
I know this is not much help, but if I can be usefull for something…

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