[ARM Stable Update] 2021-10-15 - QT, Firefox, Uboot, Vivaldi and Kernels

Because of the breakage, I had to switch rigs. Didn’t realise you people would be so efficient.

Have now switched back to the Pi and edited cmdline.txt.:




and I now have sound back !!!

Thanks ever so much !! You folks are the best !!!

For the record: I am running Manjaro-MATE on the Pi 400. I have swapped out MATE for an i3 desktop. Speakers are hooked up through HDMI.

⇒ KJ


I use a Raspberry Pi 400 and my daily DE is XFCE . I had the same audio issue with audio through HDMI as others above have reported. I came here to the forum and found the solution already posted. I then follow the ink to the instructions and applied the fix through terminal and restarted my Pi. every thing was working but I found I had entries in the Audio mixer for Built-in Audio Stereo. I opened the Audio mixer and went to the Configuration tab and tuned off one of the Built-In Audio Stereo entries and was back to normal. Thank you @Darksky for providing the solution.

Also, the current version for Vivaldi that installed with this update is working great including video. :grinning: :+1:t2:

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Hi, I am new to Manjaro. Where can I find this config? I run a Pi400 and think this is the solution to my problem not having sound. The other tips did no solve the problem.
Thank you

Not sure g12_sound.sh exist for Pi-400. If not mistaken g12_sound.sh is only for Amlogic devices. The file is in /usr/bin/


Rock64 KDE Plasma

The update replaced kernel 5.14.8-1-MANJARO-ARM by 5.14.12-1-MANJARO-ARM, however


remains still version 5.14.8-1 !

$ uname -r

It resulted at least in a missing network device.


is correct.

I just received an update to XFCE on my Raspberry Pi 400 that fixed the audio issue but now the Manjaro loading splash screen that comes when shutting down and when loading the Light DM GTK+ Greeter at startup is no longer is running. How do I get it back?

Wow Lizzie. I did not consider that as I disable the boot splash here and it also is going to involve @strit to help fix that. Look in the the backup file that should have been made in /boot/ named cmdline.txt-backup. Copy everything in it except leave out snd-bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=whatever & snd_bcm2835.enable_headphones=1 to your /boot/cmdline.txt.

I am pushing another fix right now so you will have to go through the same procedure when it installs until I can get with @strit to change another package of his.

Pi Linux update released today hosed my RPi4 XFCE. Boots to rootfs after update. Will rebuild completely and never, ever do another “stable” update within a few weeks of release.

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Weird. Sounds like the greeter got disabled. You can try sudo systemctl enable lightdm if it is a stock image. This did not happen here on my xfce on upgrade.

Your fix worked. I had to do it twice though because I got the update again. Now no update is being pushed through pamac. Audio through HDMI is working also.

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Yeah, I also installed the 2 latest updates. And it completely destroys the OS

Stable seems to NOT be stable these days…

I lost mine as well…but thankfully I keep a spare in case of such an event. No upgrades on that one until matters are resolved

Seeing “ERROR: device=‘PARTUUID=‘ not found. Skipping fsck.”

The parameter for PARTUUID is missing from cmdline.txt. Find the parameter in bootcmd.txt-backup and put it in cmdline.txt.


This link covers the origin of the failure: I have no sound output through HDMI on 5.10.73-1 or 5.14 or 5.15 - #28 by Darksky

Apparently the upgrade cited installed a new cmdline.txt file but failed to copy over the PARTUUID parameter.

It is tough to search the forum for a solution when all you have is the rootfs prompt.

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Thanks, this fixed mine from not booting.

I’ve an issue with zig language.

Package available in ARM repo is version 0.7.1-1 (latest stable is 0.8.1 though).
When running zig it errors with:

zig: error while loading shared libraries: libclang-cpp.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(Default) installed version of clang is 12.0.1-1

There seems to be a mismatch of clang used to compile zig and the one available in the repo. Can this be picked up for the next stable release?

Arch Linux ARM only has 0.7.1 available, so it needs to be updated by them first.


Congratulations on another release! Just from watching the installer notes, I get the sense that this was a fairly involved one, and not just because of the new kernels.

I just completed the update on my 4GB Pi 4b, and everything appears to be working just fine. It rebooted, at least, with no immediately obvious issues. :wink:

I did notice the rather verbose message during the install about the new cmdline.txt file and the archiving of the old one, so I ran icdiff on them, since I was curious.

Here’s how it changed, in case anyone else was a bit alarmed to see that. :slight_smile:

cat cmdline.txt-backup              # My older, customized file.

root=LABEL=ROOT_MNJRO rw rootwait console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 elevator=noop usbhid.mousepoll=8 snd-bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=0 audit=0 cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 fsck.mode=force fsck.repair=yes
cat cmdline.txt              # New, default file.

cat cmdline.txt
root=PARTUUID=76dfc3d1-02 rw rootwait console=serial0,115200 console=tty3 selinux=0 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 kgdboc=serial0,115200 usbhid.mousepoll=8 audit=0

Some notes/questions re: my specific customizations that didn’t carry over:

  1. The cgroup and swapaccount entries were to address errors I was getting from docker info. Specifically, WARNING: No memory limit support and WARNING: No swap limit support. Those have returned now. Is there any reason not to add these entries back?
  2. Likewise, any reason not to use the fsck commands with the new cmdline string? My Pi is not the most stable thing, and I have to hard reset it often enough that I like to check its file system on boot.

I’m also just curious about a few changes:

  1. Why the switch from LABELs to PARTUUIDs? I’m assuming without being sure that it’s because LABELs can somehow change, but PARTUUIDs cannot? Is there more to it than that?
  2. I remember the console=serial0 change from a while ago, but not the tty change. Is there any actual change in how the system behaves with this, or does it just address an upstream bug or issue?
  3. ALSA Compatibility String? Why is this no longer necessary?

99% of your questions have been answered here in several sub forms.

Long story short your cmdline.txt was backed up for you to refer to. You can put anything back from it you want EXCEPT snd-bcm2835.enable_compat_alsa=? or you may not have sound.

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