[ARM Stable Update] 2021-07-23 - Box64, Firefox, PlaMo Gear, SystemD, MyGNUHealth, Pipewire and Kernels

Found that the package is not meant for arch64bit.
Any idea to make a 32bit app run on 64bit?

You need to great a 32-bit userland/chroot. It’s probably easiest to do this with a Debian environment.

Acquire debootstrap (Package - debootstrap - Discover Packages On Manjaro Linux)

There’s some information here: Debootstrap - Debian Wiki

First, make a directory to bootstrap into, for example:

mkdir /chroot/debian-armhf

Then run debootsrap:

debootstrap --arch armhf stable /chroot/debian-armhf http://deb.debian.org/debian

Once it’s finished, you should be able to access this environment via:

chroot /chroot/debian-armhf

For a more in depth guide, take a look at https://forum.armbian.com/topic/16584-install-box86-on-arm64/ and anywhere within that it references. This one is using Box86 in the end (which requires a 32 bit environment) but you don’t need to worry about the Box86 related bits unless you intend to use it.

Thanks alot.
I will give it a try.
So far only all the 3d printing software that i have tried have issues.
The rest are fine.
Hope this fix it.

I was just wondering, i have updated cura using the software update. But it seems to give compatibility issues after updating manjaro.

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I still had the libcanberra dependency issue