Ark 7zip and zip compression not working properly and crashing Dolphin

kparts looks a likely candidate - updated to 5.87.0 with Frameworks. It looks to be the glue between dolphin and ark (required by both).

Just tried on Plasma 5.23.1 (Testing branch), and I’m afraid the problem as reported by @attishno1 remains. I use Wayland and he uses X11.

So this means it will take several months for this issue to be solved if at all?

Well it’s a crash, it’s been properly reported and confirmed, and it’s easy to reproduce …I would hope KDE will fix it quite quickly.

You could add a comment to the bug report saying this is important functionality - but you would need register.

Understood. Thank you.

Bug was introduced from Ark version 21.08.1 → 21.08.2

I downgraded only the ark package to 21.08.1, and it no longer crashes nor errors out nor stalls when compressing anything from Dolphin’s right-click context menu. :white_check_mark:

However, it reveals another underlying bug that was recently introduced into Dolphin/Ark: a new instance of Dolphin is launched when the compression completes. :warning: (I have seen this other bug report myself, and it is supposedly fixed in version 21.12.x.

EDIT: Yet with either version of Ark, compressing new archives from Ark itself (not using Dolphin’s context menu) works fine.

EDIT 2: To be more clear about the “fix”, if it truly will address both issues with Dolphin/Ark, we might not see it until December of this year. I believe KDE uses calendar versioning for some of its software in the form of YY.MM, which means Dolphin/Ark version 21.12 is likely to be released in December 2021.


Hello! Now I’m with you also! :slight_smile: If to press on stop btn I have

systemd-coredump[22685]: [🡕] Process 1110 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.
Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.23.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.87.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1-MANJARO (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland

May be the more bug report the more understandable the issue? We have a bit different ways to think/describe, skills in English so desc will be lighted up will be from different points of view and we could have a bit different configurations (also kernels) so bug triggers could be a bit different, which also light up the case at different angle.

Also that that all 2 link in the thread:

Reported: 2021-08-06 12:56 UTC by Patrick Silva

Reported: 2021-09-21 12:15 UTC by Patrick Silva

So that reported triggers was not caused by the

Today it is

KDE Plasma Version: 5.23.1

but was reported on

Qt Version: 5.15.3
Frameworks Version: 5.86.0
Operating System: Linux 5.11.0-34-generic x86_64
Windowing System: Wayland
Distribution: KDE neon Unstable Edition
DrKonqi: 5.23.80 [CoredumpBackend]


KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.80


So we are waiting for a fixes of non-our cases. :upside_down_face: Than… let’s report ours at last!

This makes this much more clear - not an Ark bug, but rather a bug in the newish feature of ark-dolphin integration.

PS - I also wonder about folks results with/without the 7zip plugin installed … how does it work with regular zips then? there are old bugs about these interacting weird.

Yes, it is definitely a dolphin/Ark integration bug. Even normal Zip compression is not working with the ‘Right Click’ And ‘Compress’ and ‘Compress Here as Zip’.

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But I have no issue with Zip compression in Dolphin. Only 7z failed. It seems, Dolphin would not be compatible with Ark 21.08.2 after Manjaro update.

The bug described in this thread happens to me regardless of compression method used. Maybe your system as a slightly different config that spares you from seeing this bug manifest when using .zip?

I must add that this is a concerning bug, since I rely heavily on Ark to create “forever archives” of converted media that I store on ZFS and M-Discs. Luckily, I already did most of that prior to these KDE updates.

Yet the uncertainty of reliability when creating permanent, error-free, integral files means I cannot fully trust Ark/Dolphin when working on these projects. That’s not a good feeling at all.

I disabled many features in Dolphin:



That’s why zip compression has no issue?

Edit: I checked it in VM, so Dolphin/Ark has this issue with only 7z. Other compressions are fine.

maybe this was ignored?..

I tracked this issue a bit, the 7z compression is ok in Dolphin, Dolphin and Ark are not fault, but Dolphin’s notication popup is.

The progress bar of any compression in the Dolphin’s notification popup has two bugs:

  • It crashes Dolphin after click Cancel/Stop if any compression is not yet complete, zip too. (Please you can check it)

  • It can’t finish .7z and .jar archives completely when both are 100% done in the progress bar.

This is GUI’s bug.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

What’s the point to do not to submit an individual bug report and to add such additional investigation info as Zecko did, but to post upstream package investigations here? So like guessing process w/ an low energy conversion efficiency instead of precise debugging?

There’s a third one, that I experience occasionally. It’s not as common but it does happen enough that it’s a great concern:

  • Compression actually does fail, and no new file is created

(Such a “fail” happens shortly after you try to create a new compressed archive.)

This is what it happens on my side…


I am getting the same result as well.

The announcement page shows just one change for ark.

If this were simply backed out for upcoming 21.08.3 bug fix release, then I suspect our crash would be “fixed”.

If anyone on here has registered to comment on KDE Bugtracking System, then it might be very helpful to point this out to KDE.

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Good find. Thank you.