Anyone working on a Sway edition?

Thanks everyone for working on sway version.
I have tested briefly @boredland live iso and it looks very good.

Isn’t better to have firefox instead of chromium as the stock browser? it should work out of the box in wayland (MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1) and would support HW acceleration with the driver installed (VAAPI).

Chromium does have wayland support since v87 but but enabling it changes the mouse cursor to look like “Adwaita”.

you’re right. firefox wayland integration is far superior. my, very personal, preference for work-reasons is chromium. but that doesn’t outweigh the wayland argument.

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Just having it as overlay in initial setup, which gives users the default look and feel after first install, but still allows them to adapt to their personal style if needed.

Only challenge: fixes to the base overlay scripts and configuration have to be taken over manually by users who are going with the default style. Due to this I was heavily testing the idea of Sway (and Wayland tools) theming, so that eventually we can provide the default matcha-green/-blue themes as package, but let users create custom ones which won’t be touched via automatic updates. As you can see in the repo still some parts are not properly separated out yet (e.g. termite) mostly due to lack of separation of general configuration and theme-related settings in those programs

wouldn’t then an approach with packaging it (and thus: update) be a lot more convenient for users?
I mean: what you want to be able to do is still absolutely possible when you provide another theme in


for example:

set $theme ~/.config/sway/theme/matcha-purple

Perhaps its just my own lazyness, but I always preferred the “configuration over implementation” patterns - in programming and using my OS alike :wink:

Only issue with that is when your new package overwrites changes the user did to config files in his/her home directory (~/.config/sway, ~/.config/waybar, …). I’ve had some bug reports in the past related to such unexpected behavior (esp related to termite and waybar configuration) and so tried to separate the configuration (base variant as part of the initial installation, user changeable) and the styling (via themes, with the intend to have the styling consistent and packaged, but also give users the option to create their own)…

Firefox wayland > Chromium Ozone

But both are working fine and never crashed on me :slight_smile:

I haven’t run chromium in a while, but Firefox at least is great in wayland. I use chromium only for desktop sharing on wayland.

This, Firefox from version 84 ( very recent ) is being WebRTC compatible that ease the pain with screensharing from wlroots.
Chromium had RTC_USE_PIPEWIRE=true flag on Arch way before.

I drop the program that should probably be included in the Sway build

emersion can be trusted he’s the top maintainer for Sway

EDIT: I didn’t notice, it’s already in the Manjaro community repository :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait to try it.

@simonb if you make a PKGBUILD for this I’ll build it.

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I think the requirements are pretty easy for this and already in the repos:

install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr and be happy

install xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
install libpipewire02
enable pipewire: chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer

the limitation for both is, that individual window sharing doesn’t work

I just realized this is already in ther repos…

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closing since the initial question has been clarified.

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