Any plans to finally push Plasma 6.1 at least to testing?

QML cache might be a problem. Can be solved via mv ~/.cache/systemsettings/qmlcache ~/.cache/systemsettings/qmlcache_backup -v

From my personal experience after updating to Plasma 6:

Some widgets will not work anymore and your layout might look a bit different.
You might want to delete your previous desktop configuration (back it up first, if in doubt) and start from scratch, but YMMV.

But generally for me transition from 5 → 6 was pretty painless and without major issues. No comparison with Plasma 5 at release.


Thanks for the help. I think it is better to update as soon as possible to 6.0 which I will do.

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No problem :slight_smile:

Yeah it is, create a Timeshift snapshot as backup and update from TTY for this update, additional you also log out from your home profile.

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Thanks for this. I’m content to wait. One reason I’m on Manjaro is this sort of thing exactly. I like being relatively current without getting kneecapped by buggy releases. Appreciate you (and the others’) hard work on this.


i get that it is not in stable by now. But surely it should be in testing?!

The Manjaro testing repo is a staging area for testing things in preparation for the next stable snap.

If you want the latest and greatest, use the unstable branch.

For reference, see Switching Branches - Manjaro

Not for me it isn’t. Don’t generalize your personal experiences.


My Plasma 6.0.5 on Manjaro Testing runs smoothly, apart from a few minor bugs. I’ve been using Wayland sessions exclusively for a long time and always with AMD CPUs that have integrated GPUs. On another computer, I have Fedora 40 with Plasma 6.1.4, also on Wayland and AMD with a GPU. Similarly, it has very few issues. This setup is absolutely suitable for productive use.

I can wait for 6.1 on Manjaro testing…

At this point i don’t understand. You allow Cosmic desktop which is in alpha state into Stable repos but not Plasma 6.1?


That is a valid concern - and a valid question. I am not in a position to have an opinion on that.

However - you have to realize the scope of Cosmic vs. Plasma.

Anyone who knows what Cosmic is - knows it is a WIP - with a limited userbase.

Plasma on the other hand is a desktop with a completely different and much larger userbase - which expect nothing less than perfect.


As I’m on the unstable branch I can tell you that Plasma 6.1.4 + Wayland + Nvidia 555 was still a bit glitchy.

Today with the update to Nvidia 560, the remaining glitchiness I experienced seems to be fixed, but it’s only been a couple of hours if that, and I haven’t tested it with an X11 session yet.

Now for anyone with nvidia cards that aren’t supported with the new driver will almost certainly have a less than optimal experience (especially on Wayland), not sure how it’s going to be handled.

There’s only a few things I really want from Plasma 6.1.x, they aren’t core functionality, so I can wait… impatiently, for sure, but, I can wait, until it’s stable for the majority.


I guess the one thing I’m looking forward to is having the save-session functionality back, and I mean properly — like, ALL the programs get restored, and in the correct virtual desktop, not just some of them.

For me neither. And I have Nvidia.


Looks like you talked me into leaving Manjaro for Arch or EndeavorOS, thanks.

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Manjaro Unstable is at par to Arch Stable, if not ahead in some updates due to shorter chain. So you’re not changing all too much. As others have said, if you really want Plasma 6.1, the easiest way is to switch to Unstable. This is a curated rolling-release distribution so the Stable branch is naturally delayed.

Having said that, you’re welcome to use whatever you want.

No problem.


For Manjaro you can at least decide to switch to unstable to get your Plasma 6.1 but with Arch or Endeavor you will be forced to use 6.1 and there is no choice.

If you really think that Plasma 6 is unstable.
I have a PC with intel+nvidia and also a Laptop with AMD Hardware, both working great with Plasma6.

You may just did a mistake while updating from Plasma5 to 6 :man_shrugging:


After sitting quietly on the side line for years, this topic motivated me to switch to unstable and register for this forum.

I switched to unstable for the new Nvidia drivers and the experience has been great. It fixed the bugs with Plasma (like Super key not working to open Launcher) and the infrequent X11 crashes (once every couple of days). Even better: it fixed my remaining showstoppers for Wayland (OBS support and Bluray playback).

I really hope that more people try unstable and report their experiences back. So we can fix the remaining issues and get Plasma 6.1 and the newest Nvidia drivers for anyone.