Сan't update packages

when I type
sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu
I get the following error

:WARNING https://repo.manjaro.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='repo.manjaro.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c730>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::WARNING https://wikipedia.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='wikipedia.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c9d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::WARNING https://bitbucket.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='bitbucket.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c4f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::INFO Internet connection appears to be down
::INFO Mirror ranking is not available
::INFO Mirror list is generated using random method
::INFO Writing mirror list
::Thailand        : https://mirror.kku.ac.th/manjaro/stable
::South_Korea     : https://mirror.funami.tech/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : http://mirror.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Georgia         : http://manjaro.grena.ge/stable
::Belarus         : http://mirror.datacenter.by/pub/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::Chile           : https://mirror.ufro.cl/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirror.nju.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Singapore       : https://download.nus.edu.sg/mirror/manjaro/stable
::Taiwan          : https://mirror.archlinux.tw/Manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.pku.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : http://manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net/stable
::Sweden          : https://mirror.zetup.net/manjaro/stable
::Chile           : http://manjaro.dcc.uchile.cl/stable
::United_States   : https://uvermont.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirror2.sandyriver.net/pub/manjaro/stable
::Japan           : https://mirrors.xtom.jp/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirrors.xtom.de/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirrors.sonic.net/manjaro/stable
::Iran            : https://repo.iut.ac.ir/repo/manjaro/stable
::Canada          : https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Sweden          : https://ftpmirror1.infania.net/mirror/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.informatik.tu-freiberg.de/manjaro/stable
::New_Zealand     : https://mirror.2degrees.nz/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.moson.org/manjaro/stable
::India           : https://mirror.albony.xyz/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.netcologne.de/manjaro/stable
::Iran            : https://mirror.bardia.tech/manjaro/stable
::Norway          : http://mirror.terrahost.no/linux/manjaro/stable
::Netherlands     : http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/linux/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable
::Georgia         : https://repos.silknet.com/manjaro/stable
::Finland         : https://manjaro.kyberorg.fi/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : https://mirror.cyberhost.uk/sites/manjaro/stable
::Austria         : https://mirror.easyname.at/manjaro/stable
::Denmark         : https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/manjaro/stable
::Switzerland     : https://mirror.init7.net/manjaro/stable
::Russia          : https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : https://mirrors.gethosted.online/manjaro/repos/stable
::Brazil          : https://manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br/stable
::South_Africa    : http://manjaro.mirror.ac.za/stable
::Ukraine         : http://mirrors.colocall.net/manjaro/stable
::Bulgaria        : https://mirror.telepoint.bg/manjaro/stable
::Switzerland     : https://manjaro.osmir.ch/stable
::Canada          : https://mirror.xenyth.net/manjaro/stable
::Belgium         : http://ftp.belnet.be/mirrors/manjaro/repos/stable
::France          : https://manjaro.ynh.ovh/stable
::Portugal        : http://ftp.dei.uc.pt/pub/linux/manjaro/stable
::Chile           : https://mirror1.cl.netactuate.com/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.tarnkappe.info/manjaro/stable
::Canada          : https://muug.ca/mirror/manjaro/stable
::Russia          : https://mirror.kamtv.ru/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mnvoip.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Sweden          : https://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/manjaro/stable
::Japan           : http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/Linux/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/stable
::Global          : https://mirrors.manjaro.org/repo/stable> :WARNING https://repo.manjaro.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='repo.manjaro.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c730>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::WARNING https://wikipedia.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='wikipedia.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c9d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::WARNING https://bitbucket.org 'Connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='bitbucket.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f18f6f2c4f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'))'
::INFO Internet connection appears to be down
::INFO Mirror ranking is not available
::INFO Mirror list is generated using random method
::INFO Writing mirror list
::Thailand        : https://mirror.kku.ac.th/manjaro/stable
::South_Korea     : https://mirror.funami.tech/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : http://mirror.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Georgia         : http://manjaro.grena.ge/stable
::Belarus         : http://mirror.datacenter.by/pub/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::Chile           : https://mirror.ufro.cl/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirror.nju.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Singapore       : https://download.nus.edu.sg/mirror/manjaro/stable
::Taiwan          : https://mirror.archlinux.tw/Manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.pku.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : http://manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net/stable
::Sweden          : https://mirror.zetup.net/manjaro/stable
::Chile           : http://manjaro.dcc.uchile.cl/stable
::United_States   : https://uvermont.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirror2.sandyriver.net/pub/manjaro/stable
::Japan           : https://mirrors.xtom.jp/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirrors.xtom.de/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://mirrors.sonic.net/manjaro/stable
::Iran            : https://repo.iut.ac.ir/repo/manjaro/stable
::Canada          : https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Sweden          : https://ftpmirror1.infania.net/mirror/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.informatik.tu-freiberg.de/manjaro/stable
::New_Zealand     : https://mirror.2degrees.nz/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.moson.org/manjaro/stable
::India           : https://mirror.albony.xyz/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.netcologne.de/manjaro/stable
::Iran            : https://mirror.bardia.tech/manjaro/stable
::Norway          : http://mirror.terrahost.no/linux/manjaro/stable
::Netherlands     : http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/linux/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable
::Georgia         : https://repos.silknet.com/manjaro/stable
::Finland         : https://manjaro.kyberorg.fi/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : https://mirror.cyberhost.uk/sites/manjaro/stable
::Austria         : https://mirror.easyname.at/manjaro/stable
::Denmark         : https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/manjaro/stable
::Switzerland     : https://mirror.init7.net/manjaro/stable
::Russia          : https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : https://mirrors.gethosted.online/manjaro/repos/stable
::Brazil          : https://manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br/stable
::South_Africa    : http://manjaro.mirror.ac.za/stable
::Ukraine         : http://mirrors.colocall.net/manjaro/stable
::Bulgaria        : https://mirror.telepoint.bg/manjaro/stable
::Switzerland     : https://manjaro.osmir.ch/stable
::Canada          : https://mirror.xenyth.net/manjaro/stable
::Belgium         : http://ftp.belnet.be/mirrors/manjaro/repos/stable
::France          : https://manjaro.ynh.ovh/stable
::Italy           : https://manjaro.mirror.garr.it/manjaro/stable
::Australia       : https://manjaro.lucassymons.net/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Italy           : https://ba.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::Japan           : http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/manjaro/stable
::Australia       : https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/manjaro/stable
::Turkey          : http://ftp.linux.org.tr/manjaro/stable
::Russia          : https://mirror.truenetwork.ru/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://coresite.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::United_Kingdom  : https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/repo.manjaro.org/repos/sta
::United_States   : https://opencolo.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Greece          : https://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/manjaro/stable
::Estonia         : https://mirrors.xtom.ee/manjaro/stable
::France          : http://ftp.free.org/mirrors/repo.manjaro.org/repos/stable
::Germany         : http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/manjaro/stable
::South_Africa    : http://mirror.is.co.za/mirrors/manjaro.org/stable
::Singapore       : http://ossmirror.mycloud.services/os/linux/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Bulgaria        : https://manjaro.ipacct.com/manjaro/stable
::Netherlands     : https://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/manjaro/stable
::Philippines     : http://mirror.rise.ph/manjaro/stable
::Spain           : https://mirrors.ft.uam.es/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://southfront.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Singapore       : https://mirror.freedif.org/Manjaro/stable
::Taiwan          : http://free.nchc.org.tw/manjaro/stable
::Netherlands     : https://manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top/stable
::Bangladesh      : https://bd.mirror.vanehost.com/Manjaro/stable
::Hungary         : https://quantum-mirror.hu/mirrors/pub/manjaro/stable
::Portugal        : https://mirrors.up.pt/pub/manjaro/stable
::Italy           : https://ct.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/manjaro/stable
::Colombia        : https://edgeuno-bog2.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://forksystems.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/manjaro/stable
::Poland          : https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/dist/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://ziply.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Belgium         : https://mirror.futureweb.be/manjaro/stable
::Uruguay         : https://manjaro.repo.cure.edu.uy/stable
::United_States   : https://irltoolkit.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::Austria         : https://mirror.alwyzon.net/manjaro/stable
::Canada          : https://osmirror.org/manjaro/stable
::Poland          : https://ftp.psnc.pl/linux/manjaro/stable
::Ukraine         : https://manjaro.astra.in.ua/stable
::Bangladesh      : http://mirror.xeonbd.com/manjaro/stable
::Czechia         : https://mirror.dkm.cz/manjaro/stable
::Global          : https://mirrors.fossho.st/manjaro/stable
::Netherlands     : https://mirror.koddos.net/manjaro/stable
::Costa_Rica      : https://mirrors.ucr.ac.cr/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://codingflyboy.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/stable
::United_States   : https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/manjaro/stable
::China           : https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/manjaro/stable
::Czechia         : https://mirrors.nic.cz/manjaro/stable
::Kenya           : https://manjaro.mirror.liquidtelecom.com/stable
::France          : https://mirror.ibakerserver.pt/manjaro/stable
::Spain           : https://ftp.caliu.cat/pub/distribucions/manjaro/stable
::Bulgaria        : https://mirrors.netix.net/manjaro/stable
::Germany         : https://mirror.23m.com/manjaro/stable
::Ukraine         : https://fastmirror.pp.ua/manjaro/stable
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core.db failed to download
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.kku.ac.th : Could not resolve host: mirror.kku.ac.th
warning: too many errors from mirror.kku.ac.th, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.funami.tech : Could not resolve host: mirror.funami.tech
warning: too many errors from mirror.funami.tech, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.grena.ge : Could not resolve host: manjaro.grena.ge
warning: too many errors from manjaro.grena.ge, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.datacenter.by : Could not resolve host: mirror.datacenter.by
warning: too many errors from mirror.datacenter.by, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.ufro.cl : Could not resolve host: mirror.ufro.cl
warning: too many errors from mirror.ufro.cl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.nju.edu.cn : Could not resolve host: mirror.nju.edu.cn
warning: too many errors from mirror.nju.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from download.nus.edu.sg : Could not resolve host: download.nus.edu.sg
warning: too many errors from download.nus.edu.sg, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.archlinux.tw : Could not resolve host: mirror.archlinux.tw
warning: too many errors from mirror.archlinux.tw, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.pku.edu.cn : Could not resolve host: mirrors.pku.edu.cn
warning: too many errors from mirrors.pku.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net : Could not resolve host: manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net
warning: too many errors from manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.zetup.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.zetup.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.zetup.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.dcc.uchile.cl : Could not resolve host: manjaro.dcc.uchile.cl
warning: too many errors from manjaro.dcc.uchile.cl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from uvermont.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: uvermont.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from uvermont.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror2.sandyriver.net : Could not resolve host: mirror2.sandyriver.net
warning: too many errors from mirror2.sandyriver.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.xtom.jp : Could not resolve host: mirrors.xtom.jp
warning: too many errors from mirrors.xtom.jp, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.xtom.de : Could not resolve host: mirrors.xtom.de
warning: too many errors from mirrors.xtom.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.sonic.net : Could not resolve host: mirrors.sonic.net
warning: too many errors from mirrors.sonic.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from repo.iut.ac.ir : Could not resolve host: repo.iut.ac.ir
warning: too many errors from repo.iut.ac.ir, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca : Could not resolve host: mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca
warning: too many errors from mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn : Could not resolve host: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn
warning: too many errors from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftpmirror1.infania.net : Could not resolve host: ftpmirror1.infania.net
warning: too many errors from ftpmirror1.infania.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.informatik.tu-freiberg.de : Could not resolve host: mirror.informatik.tu-freiberg.de
warning: too many errors from mirror.informatik.tu-freiberg.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.2degrees.nz : Could not resolve host: mirror.2degrees.nz
warning: too many errors from mirror.2degrees.nz, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.moson.org : Could not resolve host: mirror.moson.org
warning: too many errors from mirror.moson.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.albony.xyz : Could not resolve host: mirror.albony.xyz
warning: too many errors from mirror.albony.xyz, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.netcologne.de : Could not resolve host: mirror.netcologne.de
warning: too many errors from mirror.netcologne.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.bardia.tech : Could not resolve host: mirror.bardia.tech
warning: too many errors from mirror.bardia.tech, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.terrahost.no : Could not resolve host: mirror.terrahost.no
warning: too many errors from mirror.terrahost.no, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.snt.utwente.nl : Could not resolve host: ftp.snt.utwente.nl
warning: too many errors from ftp.snt.utwente.nl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.alpix.eu : Could not resolve host: mirror.alpix.eu
warning: too many errors from mirror.alpix.eu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from repos.silknet.com : Could not resolve host: repos.silknet.com
warning: too many errors from repos.silknet.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.kyberorg.fi : Could not resolve host: manjaro.kyberorg.fi
warning: too many errors from manjaro.kyberorg.fi, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.huaweicloud.com : Could not resolve host: mirrors.huaweicloud.com
warning: too many errors from mirrors.huaweicloud.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.cyberhost.uk : Could not resolve host: mirror.cyberhost.uk
warning: too many errors from mirror.cyberhost.uk, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.easyname.at : Could not resolve host: mirror.easyname.at
warning: too many errors from mirror.easyname.at, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.dotsrc.org : Could not resolve host: mirrors.dotsrc.org
warning: too many errors from mirrors.dotsrc.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.init7.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.init7.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.init7.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.yandex.ru : Could not resolve host: mirror.yandex.ru
warning: too many errors from mirror.yandex.ru, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.gethosted.online : Could not resolve host: mirrors.gethosted.online
warning: too many errors from mirrors.gethosted.online, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br : Could not resolve host: manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br
warning: too many errors from manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.mirror.ac.za : Could not resolve host: manjaro.mirror.ac.za
warning: too many errors from manjaro.mirror.ac.za, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.colocall.net : Could not resolve host: mirrors.colocall.net
warning: too many errors from mirrors.colocall.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.telepoint.bg : Could not resolve host: mirror.telepoint.bg
warning: too many errors from mirror.telepoint.bg, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.osmir.ch : Could not resolve host: manjaro.osmir.ch
warning: too many errors from manjaro.osmir.ch, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.xenyth.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.xenyth.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.xenyth.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.belnet.be : Could not resolve host: ftp.belnet.be
warning: too many errors from ftp.belnet.be, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.ynh.ovh : Could not resolve host: manjaro.ynh.ovh
warning: too many errors from manjaro.ynh.ovh, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.dei.uc.pt : Could not resolve host: ftp.dei.uc.pt
warning: too many errors from ftp.dei.uc.pt, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror1.cl.netactuate.com : Could not resolve host: mirror1.cl.netactuate.com
warning: too many errors from mirror1.cl.netactuate.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.tarnkappe.info : Could not resolve host: mirror.tarnkappe.info
warning: too many errors from mirror.tarnkappe.info, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from muug.ca : Could not resolve host: muug.ca
warning: too many errors from muug.ca, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.kamtv.ru : Could not resolve host: mirror.kamtv.ru
warning: too many errors from mirror.kamtv.ru, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.math.princeton.edu : Could not resolve host: mirror.math.princeton.edu
warning: too many errors from mirror.math.princeton.edu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mnvoip.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: mnvoip.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from mnvoip.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.lysator.liu.se : Could not resolve host: ftp.lysator.liu.se
warning: too many errors from ftp.lysator.liu.se, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp : Could not resolve host: ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp
warning: too many errors from ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu : Could not resolve host: mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu
warning: too many errors from mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.manjaro.org : Could not resolve host: mirrors.manjaro.org
warning: too many errors from mirrors.manjaro.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.mirror.garr.it : Could not resolve host: manjaro.mirror.garr.it
warning: too many errors from manjaro.mirror.garr.it, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.lucassymons.net : Could not resolve host: manjaro.lucassymons.net
warning: too many errors from manjaro.lucassymons.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn : Could not resolve host: mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn
warning: too many errors from mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ba.mirror.garr.it : Could not resolve host: ba.mirror.garr.it
warning: too many errors from ba.mirror.garr.it, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.riken.jp : Could not resolve host: ftp.riken.jp
warning: too many errors from ftp.riken.jp, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.aarnet.edu.au : Could not resolve host: mirror.aarnet.edu.au
warning: too many errors from mirror.aarnet.edu.au, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.linux.org.tr : Could not resolve host: ftp.linux.org.tr
warning: too many errors from ftp.linux.org.tr, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.truenetwork.ru : Could not resolve host: mirror.truenetwork.ru
warning: too many errors from mirror.truenetwork.ru, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from coresite.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: coresite.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from coresite.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from www.mirrorservice.org : Could not resolve host: www.mirrorservice.org
warning: too many errors from www.mirrorservice.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from opencolo.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: opencolo.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from opencolo.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.cc.uoc.gr : Could not resolve host: ftp.cc.uoc.gr
warning: too many errors from ftp.cc.uoc.gr, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.xtom.ee : Could not resolve host: mirrors.xtom.ee
warning: too many errors from mirrors.xtom.ee, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.free.org : Could not resolve host: ftp.free.org
warning: too many errors from ftp.free.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.tu-chemnitz.de : Could not resolve host: ftp.tu-chemnitz.de
warning: too many errors from ftp.tu-chemnitz.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.is.co.za : Could not resolve host: mirror.is.co.za
warning: too many errors from mirror.is.co.za, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ossmirror.mycloud.services : Could not resolve host: ossmirror.mycloud.services
warning: too many errors from ossmirror.mycloud.services, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.ustc.edu.cn : Could not resolve host: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
warning: too many errors from mirrors.ustc.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.ipacct.com : Could not resolve host: manjaro.ipacct.com
warning: too many errors from manjaro.ipacct.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.nluug.nl : Could not resolve host: ftp.nluug.nl
warning: too many errors from ftp.nluug.nl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.rise.ph : Could not resolve host: mirror.rise.ph
warning: too many errors from mirror.rise.ph, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.ft.uam.es : Could not resolve host: mirrors.ft.uam.es
warning: too many errors from mirrors.ft.uam.es, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de : Could not resolve host: ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
warning: too many errors from ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from southfront.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: southfront.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from southfront.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.freedif.org : Could not resolve host: mirror.freedif.org
warning: too many errors from mirror.freedif.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from free.nchc.org.tw : Could not resolve host: free.nchc.org.tw
warning: too many errors from free.nchc.org.tw, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top : Could not resolve host: manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top
warning: too many errors from manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from bd.mirror.vanehost.com : Could not resolve host: bd.mirror.vanehost.com
warning: too many errors from bd.mirror.vanehost.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from quantum-mirror.hu : Could not resolve host: quantum-mirror.hu
warning: too many errors from quantum-mirror.hu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.up.pt : Could not resolve host: mirrors.up.pt
warning: too many errors from mirrors.up.pt, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ct.mirror.garr.it : Could not resolve host: ct.mirror.garr.it
warning: too many errors from ct.mirror.garr.it, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from edgeuno-bog2.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: edgeuno-bog2.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from edgeuno-bog2.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from forksystems.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: forksystems.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from forksystems.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.gwdg.de : Could not resolve host: ftp.gwdg.de
warning: too many errors from ftp.gwdg.de, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.icm.edu.pl : Could not resolve host: ftp.icm.edu.pl
warning: too many errors from ftp.icm.edu.pl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ziply.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: ziply.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from ziply.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.futureweb.be : Could not resolve host: mirror.futureweb.be
warning: too many errors from mirror.futureweb.be, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.repo.cure.edu.uy : Could not resolve host: manjaro.repo.cure.edu.uy
warning: too many errors from manjaro.repo.cure.edu.uy, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from irltoolkit.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: irltoolkit.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from irltoolkit.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.alwyzon.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.alwyzon.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.alwyzon.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from osmirror.org : Could not resolve host: osmirror.org
warning: too many errors from osmirror.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.psnc.pl : Could not resolve host: ftp.psnc.pl
warning: too many errors from ftp.psnc.pl, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.astra.in.ua : Could not resolve host: manjaro.astra.in.ua
warning: too many errors from manjaro.astra.in.ua, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.xeonbd.com : Could not resolve host: mirror.xeonbd.com
warning: too many errors from mirror.xeonbd.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.dkm.cz : Could not resolve host: mirror.dkm.cz
warning: too many errors from mirror.dkm.cz, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.fossho.st : Could not resolve host: mirrors.fossho.st
warning: too many errors from mirrors.fossho.st, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.koddos.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.koddos.net
warning: too many errors from mirror.koddos.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.ucr.ac.cr : Could not resolve host: mirrors.ucr.ac.cr
warning: too many errors from mirrors.ucr.ac.cr, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from codingflyboy.mm.fcix.net : Could not resolve host: codingflyboy.mm.fcix.net
warning: too many errors from codingflyboy.mm.fcix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from repo.ialab.dsu.edu : Could not resolve host: repo.ialab.dsu.edu
warning: too many errors from repo.ialab.dsu.edu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.nic.cz : Could not resolve host: mirrors.nic.cz
warning: too many errors from mirrors.nic.cz, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from manjaro.mirror.liquidtelecom.com : Could not resolve host: manjaro.mirror.liquidtelecom.com
warning: too many errors from manjaro.mirror.liquidtelecom.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.ibakerserver.pt : Could not resolve host: mirror.ibakerserver.pt
warning: too many errors from mirror.ibakerserver.pt, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from ftp.caliu.cat : Could not resolve host: ftp.caliu.cat
warning: too many errors from ftp.caliu.cat, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirrors.netix.net : Could not resolve host: mirrors.netix.net
warning: too many errors from mirrors.netix.net, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.23m.com : Could not resolve host: mirror.23m.com
warning: too many errors from mirror.23m.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from fastmirror.pp.ua : Could not resolve host: fastmirror.pp.ua
warning: too many errors from fastmirror.pp.ua, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed to synchronize all databases (invalid url for server)

I’ve also tried commands
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu
sudo pacman-mirrors --continent && sudo pacman -Syyu
but nothing helps.

Please help in solving the problem. Thank you=)

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

Did you modify your DNS? It rather seems like a networking issue.

Can you open one of the mirrors in your browser? E.g. Index of /manjaro/stable

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I tried with automatic DNS and DNS from cloudflare, but the error still appears.

until you know that you do indeed have a working connection
there is no point in running the two consecutive commands:

do them one at a time …
sudo pacman-mirrors -f or another variant
and only if and when that succeeded:
sudo pacman -Syyu

1 Like

No, the links do not open in the browser. Some kind of connection error. But I can’t figure out which one. Internet connection is there.

sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd

systemd-networkd.service - Network Configuration
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service; disabled>
Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-01-26 07:26:57 EST; 1min 45s ago

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service

NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; p>
Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-01-26 07:26:09 EST; 3min 16s ago

The service is running but that doesn’t magically give you a working connection.

Reboot your router or cable modem if you can - power cycle it.

Then disconnect from and re-connect to it.

And re-check the configuration in the NetworkManager GUI which you likely have altered.

you know that you have to change the method from “automatic” to “automatic, addresses only” when you want to use a custom DNS server?

Can you ping the IP?
( for cloudflare or for one of googles DNS servers)

Evidently, you don’t have a working internet connection.

curl ifconfig.me doesn’t work. No connection to the server.
I changed DNS differently, with and without it. Automatically and without.

Rebooting the router didn’t help either.

Internet works fine on other devices.
it is not clear what happened. always like this with manjaro =)

Ways to start assessing the problem (that I know of - may not be the most efficient):


ip addr

have a log running in a terminal while you disconnect and connect

journalctl -f


sudo dmesg -w

so you can see what is and is not happening

Pls, show us the output of DNS server list your Manjaro OS copy uses:

cat /etc/resolv.conf 
Generated by NetworkManager

:man_shrugging: What was the result of my suggestions above?
Was it useful? Did you try?

and the one prior to that:
Can you ping the external nameserver?
ping -c 3

I tried, but didn’t get any information that would be useful to me. Maybe I’m misinterpreting it.

About ping -c 3 I will try it later. Thanks )

But to us. Please provide the asked information.

Also it doesn’t hurt to include a inxi -Fazy report.

Are you running both systemd-networkd and NetworkManager?

From the Arch Wiki on network managers:

Note: There are many solutions to choose from, but remember that all of them are mutually exclusive; you should not run two daemons simultaneously.

:+1: oops - I only saw that it was disabled - but not that it was also running

With this kind of troubles, it’s good to try this universal fix:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
sudo pacman -Sy gnupg archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys
sudo pacman -Sc
sudo pacman -Syu

Basically, what it does: deletes the pacman database (that may be corrupt), ensures some vital packages are up to date, rebuilds, refreshes the keys, populates database.

Anyway, even if this won’t help, it won’t hurt trying. However, this set of commands usually fixes various problems with updates and keys., sometimes even with manjaro-mirrors.

1 Like

It seems unlikely that it will or even could - because there is no working internet connection.

command report.

ping -c 3

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

— ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2018ms

ping -c 3

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.030 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.021 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms

— ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2021ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.014/0.021/0.030/0.006 ms

no internet connectivity

That is very likely the IP of your own machine.

Please report back the results of the example commands above.

ip addr

… and the rest as well

You have two services running - you only need one: NetworkManager