After wake up from sleep there is no password input or anything else just the lock image background and mouse

As the title said. I only have

  • a mouse(can be moved) and just an empty locking screen background image.
  • no password input or the profile image something just a lock image

┌───────── Hardware Information ─────────┐
󰍛  12th Gen i7-12700K @ 4.9GHz
󰘚  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
 (/)  50G / 229G (23%)
  4270MiB / 31835MiB
󰍹  3840x2160, 3840x2160
├───────── Software Information ─────────┤
  Manjaro Linux
  6.6.26-1-MANJARO
  Plasma 5.27.11
  i3
  fish 3.7.0
  zellij
󰉼  , Breeze
󰀻  , breeze
󰊠  1536
󰊠  9 mins
  NVIDIA 550.67

Based on all the info you provided I guess it’s because.

Just paste the basic info. What else need I provide?

These links should help you determine that.


Thanks I will read it now