A cause could be that i had it switched initially but then installed windows on 2 and manjaro on 2.
There is so much important work on the windows disk and my hole work setup that would take hours to get back to.
I can get into windows with uefi override, but its unstable and even greenscreened.
The windows bootmanager is actually on the same disk as the manjaro.
In order to help us to help you, a few command outputs will be requested so that we can see how you have your system set up. The first will usually be:
inxi --admin --verbosity=8 --filter --width
(copy and paste the output here, select it with the mouse and then click the </> button at the top of the reply window).
Also, the same procedure with:
lsblk -f
sudo parted -l
… it is also well worth reading this, if you haven’t done so already (it looks long-winded, but most of the important stuff can be found at the top):
As a tip: it is best to remove the “other” disk when installing either OS. This helps to avoid these conflicts.
From your description, it seems you’ve made a royal mess.
I have the feeling it might take hours of our time extracting information from you to fully diagnose the problem and longer to have you perform any recovery tasks, if that’s even possible.
As a final resolve, I might suggest the following:
1. Copy your important work somewhere safe; to external USB(s), for example. Boot with a Manjaro Live environment (Manjaro ISO) if you need to.
The key to minimise many potential problems while installing is to make sure that only the disk you are installing to is connected during installation of each OS…
Disconnect the intended Manjaro disk while installing Windows, for example. This is important regardless of the type of disk.
As you seem to have ignored the information and requests from the Moderator @BG405 I’ll drop the following for consideration:
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Then you have other issues than those of mere dual-boot.
Unless you have installed Manjaro in BIOS/MBR mode - you should be able have os-prober to run on grub config generation - and thus including the windows boot loader in the list.
The following command will indicate if Windows is detected.
sudo os-prober
You should also verify that Manjaro is actually installed using EFI mode
ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
If an error message is printed you are using BIOS boot and you cannot integrate a Windows EFI loader with Grub.