After previous stable update, ranger file manager stopped showing icons in urxvt

I used urxvt as my terminal of choice, and use the ranger file-manager within that for basic tasks.

After implementing Stable update 2023-06-04, and following the guide for handling python packages through the upgrade, the small ranger “file-icons” (little glyphs of folders, movies, etc. provided by the ranger-devicons plugin) stopped being displayed.

I’ve tried changing the urxvt-font as per these suggestions, but the problem persists.

This is what I have in my .Xresources:

URxvt.font:                       xft:Noto\ Mono\ For\ Powerline:bold:size=11:antialias=true:hinting:true,  xft:JoyPixels:style=regular:size=11, xft:TerminessTTFNerdFontMono:hinting=true:antialias=true:size=12

And here is what currently shows up:


Hooray! I managed to fix this.

First, using fc-list, I found that there was a font called NotoSansMNerdFontMono, and doing

!URxvt.font:			  xft:NotoSansMNerdFontMono:style=bold:size=11:antialias=true

resulting in the icons showing up again.

Doing a bit more digging, I realized that TerminessTTFNerdFontMono had changed name to TerminessNerdFontMono as well, so that all I needed to do was update my original line:

URxvt.font: xft:Noto\ Mono\ For\ Powerline:bold:size=11:antialias=true:hinting:true, xft:JoyPixels:style=regular:size=11, xft:TerminessNerdFontMono:hinting=true:antialias=true:size=12

and the icons started working again, with the same font behavior as before the breaking change.

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