我是Manjaro新手,今天才完成安装,请教各位大神如何安装Adobe Reader? 我以前在Debian上可以弄,但是在Manjaro上不会弄。我只能用这个,因为就我个人的了解只有它可以开3D格式的PDF文件。当然,如果有其它具有开3D格式的PDF格式文件的软件推荐给我更好,非常感谢!
pamac build adobe-reader-11
I am new user of Manjaro, could any one help me to install Adobe Reader? I have to use this app, because as far as I know, only this app can review 3D PDF file.
Hi @feathercui,
Well, I came hear thinking it’s Windoze-only software, but it seems like I was wrong. Or partially.
I don’t know which version you need, but there seems to be a version 11 in the AUR:
$ pamac search adobe
adobe-reader-11 11.0.23-2 AUR
The reference software for viewing, printing, annotating and digitally signing PDF files
So you can install it with:
pamac build adobe-reader-11
It might be what you’re looking for. It might also not. There seems to be only one way to know, though…
Aanyway, I hope it helps!
Installing custom packagtes using AUR buildscripts is possible but unsupported.
Just note that Acrobat Reader 11 (or XI) was released in 2012, and the last update from Adobe was 2017, and Acrobat has always been a cesspool of security vulnerabilities. This was the last version available for Linux, and it’s a point of pain for me, since most of my employer’s workflows involve filling and signing PDFs, and the native Linux PDF readers don’t cut it.
Edit: I guess I got the date and version number wrong for the last native Linux version (see Firestar’s post below), but this is the gist of the situation.
本质上还是用wine跑windows软件,建议用官方源先安装wine,之后就轻松了,要安装什么都行,Acrobat Pro DC都可以
Please note that Adobe no longer supports Acrobat Reader for Linux. The latest native Linux version is 9.5.5 dated from 26/04/2013. From this reason you should refrain using/installing Adobe Acrobat Reader to avoid potential vulnerabilities and hacker exploits. You are recommended to consider installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader on Wine.
I downloaded some sample 3D PDFs and some of them opened fine with masterpdf editor from the AUR which is available via Pamac GUI or in terminal:
pamac build masterpdfeditor
The PKGBUILD in the AUR (adobe-reader-11
) uses wine
to run the Windows version, but just automates the installation and shortcuts for convenience.
I tried it, but I failed, seemed to there were some errors.
Any way, thanks a lot for your help, I will try it again later.
Already installed Wine, and Wine works well, but still failed when I tried to insall Adobe Reader under Wine.
Thanks a lot for your help, but I failed to install it, some errors occurred, I will learn and try it again later.
I tried Masterpdf, but maybe because I installed the old version, it can’t open 3D PDF file, or maybe because I did’t register it? I will try a new version later.
masterpdf was able to open SOME of the example 3D PDF files I was able to download, but not ALL. It probably won’t turn out to be the solution to your issue. I would just run Adobe Reader in a Windows VM.
建議你裝個 Windows 虛擬機用 Adobe reader 吧。用 wine 只是瞎折騰而已。
从Adobe Reader DC can be installed, but it can't review 3D PDF file继续讨论:
So, have you or any one installed Adobe Reader 9.5 on Manjaro? and can it be used to review 3D PDF files?
Viewing 3D PDFs in Linux is non-existing, so it can be done with Adobe Reader through wine, but if you really need it, then give you a favor and install windows in a VM and open it there.
I installed Adobe Reader DC, I can’t remember it is from AUR or somewhere else, any way, all this was done automatically after I clicked installing, it seemed to me everything is fine, but, when I tried to open a 3D PDF file, the app “pretended” to open it without any problem, it also reminded me whether I need to open it in a mode not so safe or something like that, then, after I confirmed, just nothing can be seen.
Hi @feathercui,
This is the Manjaro support forum, and that is not Manjaro, hence you are unlikely to recieve support for your problem here.
Nevertheless, I read here that Acroread will help. Although, it also states
Adobe dropped Linux support…
So it might not work forever.
It seems to be in the AUR though:
$ pamac searchacroread
acroread 9.5.5-20 AUR
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a PDF file viewer
So if you want to try it, you can install it with pamac
pamac build acroread
Hope this helps.
Well whether or not you downloaded from AUR or directly from Adobe - you need wine in order to install and run that, so may I suggest you head over to WineHQ - Search Results to find out more info.