Add/Remove Software - conflict between pamac-gtk and pamac-gtk3

Reason ; Non solved Confict between
the pamac-gtk - 11.7.2-1 (useful for th last issue of Manjaro KDE)
pamac-gtk3 - 10.7.0-1 (still mounted into the last Manjaro packages)

1/ unmount pamac-gtk3
2/ mount pamac gtk11.2.1

“sudo pacman -Syu pamac-gtk”

But I’m not sure that the new GUI is so clearly presented …

Newbie forever.

Sorry, but I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to say.

Maybe attempt again using more words?

It certainly looks that way. You failed to mention which pamac GUI is crashing…

non solved Conflict between... is clearly not a valid error message, perhaps ‘non resolved’. Then again, you should not have pamac-gtk with pamac-gtk3… it should not be possible to have both installed because they are conflicted and when you install one, the other should be removed:

In Konsole, launching pamac-manager:

❯ pamac-manager

(pamac-manager:62663): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:45:17.750: Unknown key gtk-modules in /home/ben/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini

(pamac-manager:62663): Adwaita-WARNING **: 08:45:17.858: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.

  • pamac-gtk and pamac-gtk3 are never ‘mounted’.

In Konsole - depending on what desktop you have, you might remove ONE of those pamac-gtk entries.

Only one version of pamac-gtk can be installed.

Which one is installed?

pamac-gtk3  10.7.0-1                                                                       extra
    A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support (GTK3)
pamac-gtk  11.7.2-1 [Installed]                                                            extra
    A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support (GTK4)

Try to install another one:

pamac install pamac-gtk3

Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To install (1):
  pamac-gtk3  10.7.0-1                                extra  190.7 kB
To remove (1):
  pamac-gtk   11.7.2-1  (Conflicts With: pamac-gtk3)  extra

You only end up with ONE, because they conflict. If you have both, then remove one.

Many folks use pamac-gtk3, I’m doing okay with pamac-gtk on plasma.

This post was written in the Plasma KDE section.

I always run on a stable, updated MANJARO configuration.

Pamac - Gtk and pamac - gtk3 have been in conflict since the last release on January… This has never happened before. Yet MANJARO is a robust distribution that I have been using for more than 10 years.

Thanks a lot - Sincerly
Philline00 - Newbie forever.

pamac-gtk3 and pamac-gtk have always been marked as conflicting packages since the packages were split in 2023

$ pamac info pamac-gtk
Name                  : pamac-gtk
Version               : 11.7.2-1
Description           : A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support (GTK4)

Conflicts With        : pamac-gtk3
$ pamac info pamac-gtk3
Name                  : pamac-gtk3
Version               : 10.7.0-1
Description           : A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support (GTK3)

Conflicts With        : pamac-gtk

[Stable Update] 2023-07-10 - Known Issues and Solutions


Pamac GUI theme does not match theme for Xfce

pamac-gtk 11.0.1 uses Gtk 4 that is not supported by Xfce
user can replace pamac-gtk with pamac-gtk3

pamac install pamac-gtk3

[Stable Update] 2023-07-10 - #164 by nikgnomic

@Nerdgasm If you install pamac-gtk3 to replace pamac-gtk and confirm it works for KDE, known issue can be edited to include KDE

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I replaced pamac-gtk with pamac-gtk3.
Confirm that pamac-gtk3 well installed and well run under Plasma KDE.
The GUI presentation of pamac-gtk3 is more smart.

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