A few things about the new forum

I think that there are simply a lot of options with regard to setting up Discourse, and that the ones who did it this time may not have remembered all of the settings from the old forum. After all, that was Jonathon’s area.

I actually liked the dark mode of the previous forum, but this one does look a little more modern. I like it. :slight_smile:

Edit: Except for the white background of the smileys you stick to a post, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

The clear theme is under development. The dark theme will be done after the light theme is finalized - at the moment, for dark, it is a generic discourse theme.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 4 hours unless flagged)

Well, I think everyone should have the right to regret, but that isn’t the only issue. On the old forum, I once posted a screenshot with personal information (mine) which I didn’t want to share. I edited the post, but everyone could still see it. So I had to ask one mod to actually delete it. This wasn’t an easy task to him.

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From my quick searches, apparently Discourse could be configured to let user remove their edits history. This way the best of both worlds, edit history available, and people could remove their edit history in case they regret posting something.

EDIT: I have a current perfect example, I receive notification, someone replied something to me, but then he decided to remove it before I went back home to check. Now I can’t see what he wrote. This is just an annoyance but my other examples above are better :smiley:

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Another issue I noticed, first it says 4 hours when it was 24 hours on old forum, but it apparently doesn’t delete the message anyway.

EDIT: but I see my message before him was posted 23 hours ago, so let see if after 24 hours it removes Ben’s message

delete his post worked for me (after 24 hours)

I don’t see it as perfect example… he decided to remove it… exactly for that…for you don’t or anyone see it…
It’s maybe an annoyance for you… but it’s the poster choice… and poster choice should be 1st… (privacy).

And no. Edit history should not be accessible for any user… just sysadmin or official moderator and not for any level every user could achieve.


OK, but you literally take the worst example in my list to express your opinion (and it is actually not the same as when you delete the post it is not even the same feature it is not related to post history, just that before you could see what was the message deleted untill complete deletion). What about the real examples I talk before, about the post history in real cases?

EDIT: I understand the concerns about ‘privacy’, a good example was when you post by mistake information you shouldn’t have shared, like an image containing personal stuff. It is actually the only valid point someone made I think. Beyond that I don’t understand such an aversion for a default feature that most Discourse forum use, because it is actually important to follow modifications in threads or replies. Not to mention that it is only now that I’m requesting the feature back, like before, that some people seem concerned about this feature…

Beside wiki post. it should not be accessible… even if it could be seen as useful…


Sorry to blow theories about the edit icon being connected to trust levels on the old forum, but that’s not the case. If you revisit old threads on the forum, such as this one, since you can no longer logged in, you are effectively sub TL0. But still you can click on the edit pencil to see the post history.

I don’t know if it can be set on the per-trust level basis either, since the only option I know of for this is:

Allow everyone to see previous versions of an edited post. When disabled, only staff members can view.

Edit: for the sake of an edit

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But why, your opinion without some points to enforce your opinion, is just, your opinion.

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Exactly, this is a default Discourse feature, I was pretty sure of it, it was like that before, and it was great to follow changes in threads or post, there is no reality about the concerns of privacy or such, besides IF someone post personal information (then the ‘remove post history’ from user side could be used too from my searches on Discourse forum, it is a user option).

Because we should enforce user privacy and choice.
If there is no clear option (per message) to the user to show history to user…then it should not be visible to users


Maybe because i didn’t know it was a possible option to disable it . And now i know it i prefer it disabled.

And i much prefer the "EDIT’ text in post to show addition or edits.

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About the post history, here is a Manifesto about it. Muut Manifesto I just started to read it but I think the essential arguments are here.

I found this Manifesto from this Discourse thread Redacted sensitive data - still visible in post history? - support - Discourse Meta :wink:

EDIT: yeah but that’s the thing, I manually do it because I think it is important to SHOW THAT I EDITED MY POST AND WHAT WAS MODIFIED :slight_smile: really beside sensitive data leak argument, there is zero argument against the post history. And there is a fix to that, enable the post history removal button, this way in case of sensitive data leak (which should be really rare case IMHO), you could remove a post revision that only admins could see.

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In real conversation, you can‘t take back what you said. You can elaborate, or correct yourself later.

This is the important bit as to why the edit history is of critical importance, as it allows for elaboration or self-correction, without losing the credibility that would otherwise be lost. If something sensitive needs to be removed, and from the edit history, a moderator/admin should do it, as this is by definition part of their role.

edit btw, I get the mention icon/arrow/whatever when I replied to you, and also when editing this post… but I didn’t when I tried another time, so it looks like it’s a bit flakey atm.



Mentioned in this thread, here, look :

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That is contradictory to what I see. If I press the reply button on your post, even if it is the last post, I see


If I press the reply button at the bottom of the page, or the fat reply icon at the side, it replies to the topic, rather than a specific person.