2022-04-10 - Community Repository Down?

   ~  sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 && sudo pacman -Syyu                                 1 ✘  19s  
[sudo] password for jlp: 
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool: https://repo.manjaro.org/mirrors.json
::INFO => Mirror status: https://repo.manjaro.org/status.json
::INFO Using default mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.373 United_States  : https://mirror2.sandyriver.net/pub/manjaro/
  0.606 Germany        : https://manjaro.moson.eu/
  0.966 United_States  : https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/manjaro/
  0.731 Germany        : https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/
::INFO Writing mirror list
::United_States   : https://mirror2.sandyriver.net/pub/manjaro/testing
::Germany         : https://manjaro.moson.eu/testing
::Germany         : https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/testing
::United_States   : https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/manjaro/testing
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                                   169.1 KiB   188 KiB/s 00:01 [######################################] 100%
 extra                                 1854.6 KiB   413 KiB/s 00:04 [######################################] 100%
 community.db failed to download
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror2.sandyriver.net : The requested URL returned error: 403
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.moson.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.alpix.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from repo.ialab.dsu.edu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed to synchronize all databases (failed to retrieve some files)
    ~ 

Refresh your mirrors. See:


I don’t know how to refresh mirrors.
Can you give the command for terminal?


You can refresh your mirrors through pamac gui if your not comfortable with cli. All the mirror related comands are in the wiki, plenty of excellent guides in there

1 Like


I think I did refresh the mirrors already?

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 && sudo pacman -Syyu

See my original post


I’m having issues here as well. Maybe just change to stable branch for now?

$ sudo pacman-mirrors -f3 && yay
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool: https://repo.manjaro.org/mirrors.json
::INFO => Mirror status: https://repo.manjaro.org/status.json
::INFO Using custom mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.344 United_States  : https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/
  0.174 United_States  : https://mirrors.gigenet.com/manjaro/
  0.318 United_States  : https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/
::INFO Writing mirror list
::United_States   : https://mirrors.gigenet.com/manjaro/testing/$repo/$arch
::United_States   : https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/testing/$repo/$arch
::United_States   : https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/testing/$repo/$arch
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community.db failed to download
 multilib is up to date
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.gigenet.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.math.princeton.edu : The requested URL returned error: 403
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed to synchronize all databases (failed to retrieve some files)
 -> error installing repo packages


Same error as previous posters. Refreshing mirrors does not help, throws 404 errors.

same here :wink:

Sorry I forgot to mention I am on the “Testing” branch…

Looks pretty down to me:

:: Synchronizing package databases...                                                                                                                                                     
 core                                                 169.1 KiB   384 KiB/s 00:00 [###############################################] 100%                                                  
 extra                                               1854.6 KiB  1480 KiB/s 00:01 [###############################################] 100%                                                  
 community.db failed to download                                                             
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.alwyzon.net : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                         
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.vectranet.pl : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.snt.utwente.nl : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.colocall.net : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                            
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.datacenter.by : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                            
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.belnet.be : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                   
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.23m.com : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                  
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.moson.org : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.alpix.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                 
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.moson.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.kyberorg.fi : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                             
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.osmir.ch : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.ipacct.com : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.gwdg.de : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                     
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                      
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from quantum-mirror.hu : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.futureweb.be : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                             
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.lysator.liu.se : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.netix.net : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.dkm.cz : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                   
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.mirrors.lavatech.top : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                    
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.init7.net : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.koddos.net : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.dotsrc.org : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftpmirror1.infania.net : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                          
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.yandex.ru : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.cyberhost.uk : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                             
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.nluug.nl : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                                    
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.easyname.at : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                              
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.zetup.net : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from manjaro.mirror.garr.it : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                          
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from repo.skni.umcs.pl : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.caliu.cat : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                   
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.truenetwork.ru : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                           
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ftp.cc.uoc.gr : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                   
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from fastmirror.pp.ua : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                                
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ba.mirror.garr.it : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from ct.mirror.garr.it : The requested URL returned error: 404                                                                               
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirrors.up.pt : The requested URL returned error: 403                                                                                   
error: failed to synchronize all databases (failed to retrieve some files)                                                                                                                
 -> error installing repo packages

Problem still exists even when using a synced mirror.


Those are broken symlinks.

community.db -> community.db.tar.xz
community.files -> community.files.tar.xz

They point to .xz, there is only .gz files though:


The .db is regenerating now …

1 Like

Any idea what caused the issue?