Zfs modules not loaded

after unstable update 230223. when updating unstable vm zfs modules are not loaded.

(11/19) Install DKMS modules
==> ERROR: Missing 6.2.0-1-MANJARO kernel headers for module zfs/2.1.9.
(12/19) Updating linux initcpios...

Did you install linux62-headers ?

The latest openzfs release does not mention 6.2 :

Supported Platforms

  • Linux: compatible with 3.10 - 6.1 kernels

Thank you Zesko; installing linux-headers was the solution.
However didn’t need to install the headers in former kernels to see zfs pools.
Is this mandatory from 6.2 stable ?

If you want to install any dkms module, you need to install the Kernel header.
See: Dynamic Kernel Module Support - ArchWiki

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It is if you plan on updateing the kernel before the developers can upgrade the module.

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