Hello! I’m trying my best to be a more Arch user and use that command line as much as possible I really enjoy Yay well kind of! I still use pamac to see if I haven’t destroy anything!..
I run only a laptop and surprisingly my package never really work until I install the Optional dependency “Gestures” is a good example of that…
So I get the point of yay -Si that give you all the info about the Optional dependency but how do you install all of them at once linked to that personal package so he does not end up into a Orphan package? So this was really good help with the example of Wine But that do not make any sense to me…
If someone could explain me how to install them in easier way I would gladly appreciated it!
ps: regex is different for wine ! wine is not standard ! : no description…
for all ? sed -n '/^%OPTDEPENDS/,/^$/p' /var/lib/pacman/local/vlc-*/desc | awk -F':' '{print $1}' | tail -n +2
but, yes gui for that is the best
what you want to do (all opt deps ) is extremely rare : usefull one time in 5 years ? it’s a strongly discouraged practice
Thanks for the pacman article i check man pacman but I could not find anything about optional package… I did not realize that you have to manually install every optional package manually I was looking for a command to just install all the optional in one go… So for example:
yay -Si google-chrome
to check optional dependency
Then yay -S google-chrome
and then yay -S --asdeps (all the optional dependency needed)
a dependency adds one functionality to our application (we can view as a plugin) - so if we are missing a feature: we add the package
we add all only if we want all
if you view vlc (pacman -Si vlc), we add for example libva-vdpau-driver ONLY if we have a nvidia card and want “vdpau”
wine package is a exception because we not have descriptions, so is hard to make a choice