Xpra on arm is a python 3.9 package, but python is 3.10

On RPI-4 and other arm platforms xpra is currently unusable, untestable as it installs as a python3.9 package on a platform that is at python3.10.

Support for python 3.10 was added with version 4.2.3-2 in upstream. Stable has 4.0.6-3 whereas both testing and unstable have 4.2.3-3. So now you can either switch branches and wait till it hits stable.


History for trunk - archlinux/svntogit-community · GitHub

Manjaro - Branch Compare (change platform to ARM to check)

Switching Branches - Manjaro

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On ARM is totally different story


Update: The issue will be fixed with today’s stable snap.

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I can confirm this is fixed with 27/2/2022 update.

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