It seems that xos4 Terminus
was installed out of the box with Manjaro.
I installed Alacritty, Minecraft launcher and Discord.
- I run Alacritty. I use
xos4 Terminus
for its main font. - I run
fc-list > before.txt
- I run either Minecraft launcher or Discord.
- In Alacritty I run
fc-list > after.txt
. - Here is the
diff before.txt after.txt
:803d802 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x12b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 862d860 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x22b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 914d911 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x32b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 976d972 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x18b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1120d1115 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x20b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1181d1175 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x28b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1292d1285 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x16b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1485d1477 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x14n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 1539d1530 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x14b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1549d1539 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x24n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 1617d1606 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x24b.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold 1769d1757 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x16n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 1987d1974 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x18n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 2117d2103 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x20n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 2178d2163 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x28n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 2312d2296 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x12n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 2370d2353 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x22n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular 2451d2433 < /usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x32n.pcf.gz: xos4 Terminus:style=Regular
I can fix it with fc-cache -f
, but I want a permanent solution.
UPD: yeah, reinstalling terminus-font
is not a solution, it fixes just temporarily. Also, the font files are ok, there’s like a bug in fontconfig
or something.
UPD2: I use Xfce4.