XORG keep crashing and kicking me to tty

Sadly I don’t have access to to a second PICEX16 slot on my board (GA-H61M-S2PV), but I’m downloading a the Pop_Os that use the nvidia drivers right now. I’ll write as soon as I’ll be able to turn it on. But I do prefer to use Manjaro, for the AUR.

The drivers for NVIDIA doesn’t work, I’m trying another distro (elementaryOS) and I’ll tell you when it’ll work again.

I’ve tested another (elementary OS) distro which does work with Nouveau but doesn’t work with Nvidia.

But the Live Media does boot with proprietary drivers ?

No, same problems. With and without ibt. I think it Is hardware issues.

its the same also with the non arch pop os?

Hi I’m sorry but I won’t be able to access the computer until Saturday evening, I’ll test it then

I’ve moved to elementary OS for for the day (I had a surprise project with deadline to Wednessday) and it worked perfectly, with the Nouveau drivers. Until I’ve decided that I have few minutes to give stuff to run in the background and decided to install the Nvidia drivers. As soon as I restarted after installing it I ran into the exact same problems. I’ll contact Nvidia, becuase this is an error on their side.
I’ll try to return my Manjaro to Nouveau as soon as I’ll have the time. Any tips on what I need to change?

we tried what we could, the nvidia doesnt work… maybe its broken?
does it work under windows? check in device manager …
maybe its a bios setting, but since i dont see your bios i have no idea what to look for… you can check some settings related to pcie and to power management…

You did much more than you could, I have nothing but praises to give you.
I’ll try to see if it works on Windows in the future, but I just don’t have the time for it right now.