XigmaNAS cifs connection very slow

Hello everybody,

my GB-LAN connection from Xahea 24.1.1 (Kernel 6.6.54-2) to my XigmaNAS is very slow. To copy files is at 1 MB/S.

Only smb:// is by far the slowest way. I do this in /etc/fstab

// /home/xigmanas64 cifs vers=3.0,noauto,users,credentials=/home/tom/Bash/XIGMANAS/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755 0 0

and do:

sudo mount /home/xigmanas64

Any idea?


I could get the 5x speed by making the send- and receive buffer smaller. Inside XigmaNAS.

How to configure a XigmaNAS service is off topic for this forum.

I don’t want to configure XigmaNAS (even when I could change it a little bit), I want to configure a device with cifs inside manjaro.

There is several guides on samba in the Tutorials section - and there is numerous previous topics on the matter.

I have used Manjaro in a small network since 2016 and before that I have been network administrator on mixed networks (Linux, macOS, Windows).

If your connection to your samba service is slow - look at your NIC configuration and your network in general.

Also ensure you are using a valid smb.conf on your clients.