Xfce4-sensors-plugin-nvidia error installing from AUR

Just reinstalled Manjaro XFCE 230911 and I can’t install xfce4-sensors-plugin-nvidia.

It’s throwing an error saying pkg-config is less than .90.

I was trying out EndeavourOS prior to my previous install borked and it didn’t seem to have this problem.

Has anyone experienced the same issue?

What ever you interpreted here. It is not helping.

When I grab my glass globe, then I would say pkgconf is not installed.

pamac install base-devel

AUR is purely optional here and any steps regarding AUR have to be managed by yourself. Plus when you are on the stable branch, then expect that not all AUR packages will work as expected, since:

  • ArchLinux Stable → Manjaro Unstable
  • ArchLinux Stable → EndeavourOS Stable

If you need a more cutting edge OS, then use ArchLinux or EndeavourOS or anything else.

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