Last night I found my spare laptop again. Automatic updates are disabled, so this issue is not related to any updates.
System was a clean reinstall from manjaro minimal iso on april 9th.
When I was done with the pc last night, I told it to sleep, using the action button in system tray → suspend.
When I woke up this morning I was surprised to find the laptop still powered on. I moved the mouse and found the lock screen. I entered password and was met with the message:
none of the screen lock tools ran successfully
Then I tried suspend again - the same message popped up. Screen didn’t lock, system didn’t suspend.
(I suspect the reason I was met with the lock screen this morning was that the screensaver ran after inactivity after the error message was displayed last night.)
I open power manager and remove the tick on “lock screen when system goes to sleep”
Then I tried suspend again, and it worked.
The problem with this is that computer is not locked on resume, so I put the removed tick back. Sure enough, that also brought the lock-error-message back.
I searched around for this issue, and found that someone had solved the issue by installing light-locker. I tried that. Now I got a different error on suspend:
Failed to suspend session
Failed to lock the screen
Now I try:
$ light-locker-command --lock
** Message: 08:56:21.625: Received error message from the locker: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
and if I run
xfce4-screensaver-command --lock
The screen goes black. When I move the mouse I get to the lock screen.
How can I fix this issue?
(I find it strange that it has turned up, as there has not been any updates performed since it was working two weeks ago)