XFCE 4.18 and Display Settings from Sleep

Just installed XFCE (4.18) on Manjaro and noticed that whenever it resumes from sleep, it shows the XFCE Display dialog for some reason. I haven’t changed any of the defaults in Power Manager.

Is this normal? Thanks!

I’m experiencing the same thing, and it was not common behavior before.

OK, thanks for the reply. I’m now tagging this as a bug.

There is a report that sounds similar. The Maintainer replayed, unfortunately on the side topic (desktop icons).

@manjbob adding a tag to this topic will not help. If you believe this is a bug, create a bugreport at the Xfce project.

Please search if such a bug was already reported upstream and possibly add information to it or open a new one.

Same problem here. I have my energy savings settings set to turn screen black after 10 minutes. But for some days now, the screen doesn’t turn black anymore, but instead there is a new screen setting dialog appearing every half an hour or so. When I leave my computer idle for an hour or two, I sometimes have 3 or 4 screen settings dialogs on top of each other in the middle of the screen, but the screen is still on.
Oh, I just notice, I have set “energy saving mode after” to 30 minutes. Is that the thing that causes the screen settings dialog to start every 30 minutes?
Anyway, strange phenomenon!