Please help me to fix this problem if you know the solution. I’m musical producer and I use an xair 18 mixer when I use xairedit virtual console for the controls and I don’t understand why in Wayland session doesn’t work.
Shouldn’t you be asking that the actual developer of the program?
From Install X Air Edit on Linux | Flathub
Legacy windowing system
Proprietary This app is not developed in the open, so only its developers know how it works.
Your options are;
Try X11 instead of Wayland
Ask the developers
is provided direct from manufacturer Music Tribe/Behringer
so Wayland support would need to be requested via
But I could only find one article in the knowledgebase relating to Linux
Digital Mixer Software - Information - Linux Compatibility
Editor software for Behringer and Midas digital mixers is tested on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Other distributions of Linux may have undiscovered issues. For this reason we recommend using Ubuntu or Mint to run the X32 Edit, M32 Edit, X Air Edit or M Air Edit software
Thanks, this is the topic on X11 I don’t have problems, but at the same time, on KDE version, on Wayland session works too. So that it’s the reason that i don’t understand why but I will ask the developers.
I think that it uses XWayland when you running it on KDE Wayland session.
Additionally, it’s not obvious how long ago that article was written; it could be years ago – more distributions might easily be well supported now.
I understand the reasons for the Wayland preference, for your purposes, but using X11 seems like the best immediate fix, at least for the time being.
Have you considered using a real-time kernel? These are supported in Manjaro, and might compensate having to use the slightly heavier X11.
Software is tested on Ubuntu and Mint by manufacturer so I would expect it is probably compatible with Manjaro Mate and Cinnamon editions
Latest review on product website is from a Manjaro Gnome user
Behringer | Not Found
by Manuel Rueda September 27, 2023
No está funcionando bien en linux versión 1.8Hola, soy usuario de Linux y a pesar de que reconoce los controladores y la configuración previa que dejé en su uso anterior no me carga los parámetros y se queda en un estado aparente sin conexión. Espero me puedan ayudar. Uso Manjaro Gnome
English translation:
It is not working well on linux version 1.8
Hello, I am a Linux user and even though it recognizes the drivers and the previous configuration that I left in its previous use, it does not load the parameters and remains in an apparent offline state. I hope you can help me. I use Manjaro Gnome
Thank you.
Previous AUR version of xairedit
1.7 had an issue with a missing dependency: libcurl-gnutls
App no longer runs in Manjaro XFCE - Behringer X-Air Edit
Latest version does include libcurl-gnutls
dependency, but it also requires libxext